Emmanuel Mauleon

Emmanuel Mauleon

Emmanuel Mauleón is an American painter from St. Paul, Minnesota. [ [http://www.mnartists.org/work.do?rid=181535 mnartists.org | Burnet Art Gallery at Chambers | "the greatest man" by Emmanuel Mauleon ] ]

His work has been included in two Ordway Circle of Stars Honors exhibits at the Minnesota Museum of American Art [ [http://www.thecenter.spps.org/Honors_Concert.html Honors Concert ] ] . His work has also been showcased at the Walker Art Center's "Hot Art Injection IV" at the Soap Factory in Minneapolis [ [http://teens.walkerart.org/hotart/?cat=4&paged=3 Hot Art Injection » Visual ] ] , as well as in a group show with Juxtaposition Arts at the Burnet Gallery at the Chambers Hotel in downtown Minneapolis [ [http://www.chambersminneapolis.com/hotel-events/ minneapolis hotel - luxury art hotel minneapois - chambers minneapolis hotel art ] ] . He also helped organize the Twin Cities Celebration of Hip-Hop and Festival's graffiti exhibition, as well as contributed to the newspaper "Pulse of the Twin Cities." [ [http://www.pulsetc.com/article.php?sid=1275 Pulse of the Twin Cities - Locally Grown Alternative Newspaper ] ]


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