- Sri Chandrasekhara Bharati III
Chandrashekara Bharathi III (born as Narasimha Shastri; 1892-1954 ) was the Jagadguru (literally, "teacher of the world", in
Sanskrit ; assigned to heads of Hindu mathas) of theSringeri Sharada Peetham during 1912-1954. He was one of the most significant spiritual figures inHinduism during the 20th century. He was known to be aJivanmukta (Sanskrit for one liberated while alive).Biography
Childhood days
The childhood days of Narasimha Sastri (as he was named by his parents) were passed in Sringeri. He was an introvert and had little attraction for the objects of the world. He was lodged in the house of Srikanta Sastri, the then administrator of the
Sringeri Matha . His parents performed the "Choodakarma " (a rite performed as one of the sixteensaṃskāra s that enables one to go to school). He was then sent to the local Anglo-vernacular school run by the government.His
Brahmopadesha was performed when he was eight. He was regular in the performance ofSandhyavandanam three times a day, andAgnikarya , twice a day.Narasimha, after his twelfth year, changed over to
Sadvidya Sanjivini Pathasala in Sringeri under the express wishes ofSri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Narasimha Bharati Swaminah , the then head of the matha. The Swami kept a close watch over the progress of his ward.Higher studies at Bangalore
The then
Acharya of theSringeri Matha had established in 1910 an institution of higher "Vedantic" training- "Bharatiya Girvana Prouda Vidya Vardhini Shala " inBangalore . Narasimha Sastri was chosen to be a disciple at that institution. Narasimha Sastri moved to Bangalore in 1911 with his parents and plunged into his studies. Mahamahopadhyaya [Mahamahopadhyaya is a title acquired bySanskrit Pundits after completing their studies ] Vellore Subrahmanya Sastri and Mimamsa Shiromani Vaidyanatha Sastri taught him Purva Mimamsa by texts such as the "Bhatta Dipika". Mahamahopadhyaya Virupaksha Sastri taught him Vedanta. Even in Bangalore there was no change in Narasimha's inwardness. He spent his free time in the peaceful environs of theGavigangadhareshwara Temple inGavipuram , Bangalore.Taking Sannyasa
In 1912, "Acharya" Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Narasimha Bharati Swaminah decided to name Narasimha Sastri as his successor to the Sharada Peetham. A devotee, Rama Sastri, was entrusted with the task of personally carrying the "Acharya"'s letter carrying the naming of his successor to the "Peetham" to Krishnaraja Wodeyar, Maharaja of Mysore. Before Narasimha could arrive in Sringeri, the Acharya had attained
Videha Mukti . So, onApril 7 1912 , Narasimha Sastri was initiated into Sannyasa by Sri Satyananda Sarasvati Mahaswami and given theyoga patta [The name one receives after takingSannyasa (ascetic vows) inHinduism ] of Chandrashekhara Bharati. He received the saffron robes, the sacred staff and the "kamandalu" (water pot) from the Mahaswami. ] He was thus ordained in the dashanami tradition of Sri Adyashankaracharya.Kumbhabhishekam and Digvijayam
In 1916, the "Kumbhabhishekam" (consecration) of the Sharada Temple in
Sringeri was performed by Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswami. In 1924, he left Sringeri on his first "Digvijayam" (tour). He first reachedMysore and consecrated a temple at the house of his Guru. It was named "Abhinava Shankaralaya". Then, from Mysore, the Mahaswami proceeded toSatyamangalam via Nanjanagud andChamrajanagar . He then toured the southern parts of the Tamil country includingThirunelveli and Kanyakumari. He then touredThiruvananthapuram andKaladi inTravancore . AtKaladi , in 1927 he established a "Vedanta Pathashala" (an institution for higher studies inVedanta ). He then returned to Sringeri after visiting a few more places inKarnataka andTravancore .Avadhuta Sthiti and naming his successor
After returning to Sringeri, the Mahaswami assumed the "Avadhuta Sthiti" (the state of being an
Avadhuta ). He was absorbed in the inward bliss of the Atma. To enable himself to spend more time in meditation and contemplation of the Self, he named a successor to the Peetham: a boy named Srinivasa Sastri. OnMay 22 ,1931 , he initiated Srinivasa Sastri into Sannyasa and gave him theyoga patta ofAbhinava Vidyatirtha . In 1938, he undertook a "yatra" (pilgrimage) to Bangalore, Mysore and Kaladi. After returning to Sringeri, he resumed his classes onVedanta and wrote thought-provoking and erudite articles in "Asthikamathasanjeevini",a journal published by the "Matha". He granted interviews to genuine seekers and gave "darshan " to the public.Final years and Videha Mukti
After 1945, the Mahaswami gradually withdrew from all activities. However, his fame had spread far and wide. On
August 24 1954 , the firstPresident of India , Dr. Rajendra Prasad, visited Sringeri to pay homage to the Jagadguru. ] The President, a pious man having deep faith in theHindu scriptures , discussed with the Mahaswami on "Dharma " and other allied subjects.On
September 26 1954 (the day of the Mahalaya Amavasya festival), the Mahaswami took a bath in theTunga River, which ran in Sringeri. Afterwards, he sat inpadmasana posture and attainedVideha Mukti on the banks of the river. His body was discovered floating in the river. His assistant Ramaswami jumped in the water and with the help of Kehavachari brought the body to the shore. The Jagadguru's body was then interred [In the Hindu tradition, bodies ofSannyasi s are buried whereas, those of non-"Sannyasi"s are cremated or buried depending on the family custom] by Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha, his successor to the Sharada Peetham. His body was buried beside his Guru's "samadhi" (shrine) and a "samadhi" was constructed for him. AShiva Linga was consecrated over it. It is worshipped today and is called "Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Linga". After the "videha mukti " of Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswami, another shrine was constructed and the Mahaswami was buried there beside Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswami's shrine.Works
Chandrashekhara Bharati Swaminah composed a few poems and wrote a famous commentary. His main works are:
*"Gururaja Sukti Malika" containing 36 compositions in about 400 pages. Printed in Sanskrit and Tamil
*"Bhashya" (commentary) on Vivekachoodamani of Sri Adyashankaracharyaee also
Sringeri Sharada Peetham
*Jagadguru of Sringeri Sharada Peetham
*Advaita Vedanta
*Adi Shankara
*Smartism Notes
*"Sages of Sringeri", A Tattvaloka Publication, Shri Sharada Peetham, Shringeri, 2005. http://www.tattvaloka.com
External links
* [http://sringeri.org Sringeri Sharada Peetham]
* [http://www.jagadgurus.org/home.asp?acharyalcode=CB Jagadgurus]
* [http://www.sankaracharya.org About Sankarcharya and His Parampara]
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