

Infobox Luxembourg commune
name = Kehlen
luxname = Kielen

arms = Coat of arms kehlen luxbrg.png LAU2 = 09006
canton = Capellen
district = Luxembourg

Kehlen ( _lb. Kielen) is a commune and town in western Luxembourg. It is part of the canton of Capellen, which is part of the district of Luxembourg.

As of 2005, the town of Kehlen, which lies in the centre of the commune, has a population of 1,627. Other towns within the commune include Dondelange, Keispelt, Meispelt, Nospelt and Olm.


The history of Kehlen goes back at least to Gallo-Roman period. Celtic tombs have been excavated in nearby Nospelt and a necropolis from the 1st century was discovered in the early 1970s on the "Juckelsboesch" plateau between Mamer and Kehlen. A beautiful dark blue glass bowl was among the offerings found there. [ [ Bol de verre côtelé from Luxembourg's National Museum of History and Art] . Retrieved 28 November 2007.]

A monument to the four gods depicting Juno, Minerva, Mercury and Hercules, possibly once the base of a Jupiter Column, was discovered on the heights of Schoenberg at the point where two Roman roads once crossed. [G. Thill: Piédestal à quatre divinités de Schoenberg-Kehlen, Hemescht, XXIII, 1971, pp 203-205.] The original is now in the National Museum of History and Art but a replica can be seen beside the entrance to the Schoenberg cemetry. [ [ Mystic Luxembourg, Les Lieux] . Retrieved 25 November 2007.]

Schoenberg is one of the oldest parishes in Luxembourg. It came under the authority of the St. Maximin's Abbey, Trier, as far back as 1637. The cemetery is classified as a national monument as many of the gravestones are from the beginning of the 16th century.

Until fairly recently, Kehlen was a farming community with a few cottage industries. Today, owing to its proximity to Luxembourg City, most of its inhabitants now work in the service sector. [ [ Commune of Kehlen official site] . Retrieved 25 November 2007.] The name "Kehlen" is said to originate from "Callidovilla" meaning the villa of Callidus.

Twin town

*: Meckenbeuren


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