

French commune
name= Fontaine-le-Mallet
arrondissement=Le Havre
canton= Montivilliers
intercomm=Communauté d'agglomération havraise
alt moy=27 m
alt mini=17 m
alt maxi=89 m

Fontaine-le-Mallet is a commune in the Seine-Maritime "département" of the Haute-Normandie region of northern France.


The first mention of the village dates from the eleventh century, when an abbess from Montivilliers bought 100 acres of land in order to build a church here "in villa dicitur Fontenais ad opus ecclesiae Sancta Mariae". In a register of the Secretariat of the Archdiocese of Rouen, dating from 1479-1480, it mentions "Parochia Fontibus le Mallet" - Mallet coming from the name of the first seigneurs - the Malet de Graville family (c.1200-1300). Fontaine-la-Mallet grew over the centuries and was all but destroyed by bombing in September 1944. It was the most badly-affected village of the lower Seine. Rebuilding of the commune was started in the 1960s.


A village of farming and forestry situated in the Pays de Caux, some convert|5|mi|km north of Le Havre, near the junction of the D52 and the N328 roads.


Places of interest

* The church of St.Valery, dating from the 11th century, one of only a few buildings not destroyed in 1944.

See also

*Communes of the Seine-Maritime department

External links

* [ Official commune website]
* [ Fontaine-le-Mallet on the Quid website] fr


*"This article is based on the equivalent article from the French Wikipedia, consulted on October 2nd 2008."

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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