- John the Fearless (film)
"John the Fearless" (original title: "Jan zonder vrees") is a 1984 Belgian animated film. It is notable for being the first feature length animated film produced in
Flanders in its entirety. It is based on a novel by Constant de Kinder and features voice work by Belgian character actorJan Decleir .Plot
The story begins when John resigns his job as a sailor goes back home to his
grandmother .After seeing all of theburglars in town, he takes it upon himself to rid the town of all evildoers. After he's become the word around town, he lets everyone in the town know that he has no fear. His cousin, in jealousy of John's newfound fame decides to disprove this statement, by showing up at the local graveyard dressed as aghost . John, annoyed with the ghost's presence, accidentally kills his cousin. Realizing his mistake, he reports it, only to be arrested and sentenced toprison . However, he easily escapes the prison guards and goes about his ways. He ends up soon after in the countryside, to find a servant being beaten by his master. After showing the boss the error of his ways, the boss recognizes his goodheartedness and sends him on a quest to destroy a shape shifting evil waterdemon ,with the servant as his sidekick. John, true to his claim of having "no fear" begins his quest with good spirits.External links
* http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1800076232/info
* http://www.movierevie.ws/movies/1046426/The-Heroic-Adventures-of-John-the-Fearless.html
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