Komatigunta Rajupalem

Komatigunta Rajupalem

Komatigunta Rajupalem famously known as KGRpalem, is a village in Sydapuram Mandal and Rapur Taluka in Nellore District, Andra Pradesh, India.


Komatigunta Rajupalem is 3.8 km distance from Marlapudu road, which is the highway between Gudur and Rapur towns. It is 28 km distance from Gudur town and 10 km distance from Rapur town.


*This village is well known for having more educated people compared to nearby villages.
*The village has one MPUP School till 7th class and one anganvadi kendram.
*The attraction for this village is newly built Rama temple.
*The population is about 605+ people, most of them are farmers and their main occupation is Lemon farms.


* [http://www.maavooru.org/Place.aspx?PID=25320 Komatigunta Rajupalem-maavooru site]
* [http://www.google.com/search?q=Komatigunta+Rajupalem Komatigunta Rajupalem search results in Google]

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