

Ballistol (meaning 'Ballistic Oil') is a mineral oil-based chemical which advertises that it has many uses. It was originally intended for cleaning, lubricating, and protecting firearms. The product originated from Germany before World War 2, after the military requested an 'all-around' oil and cleaner for their rifles and equipment.

The chemical is a yellowish clear liquid with a consistency expected of a light oil. However, when it comes in contact with water it emulsifies, becoming a thick creamy white substance. It has a sweet and mildly pungent smell similar to black licorice. It is distributed in liquid and aerosol forms. The aerosol uses butane or propane as a propellant.

One of its selling points is that it is not petro-chemical based, and uses biodegradable ingredients. It also advertises it has no carcinogens. Some other similar chemicals contain petro-chemicals which can pollute the environment if improperly handled, and can damage the 'seasoning' developed on the bore of a black-powder gun.


(according to a specification from December 2002)
* pharmaceutical white oil: CAS RN 8042-47-5
* Oleic acid: CAS RN 112-80-1
* C-5 alcohols: CAS RN 78-83-1; CAS RN 137-32-6; CAS RN 100-51-6
* different essential oils to perfume Ballistol


[ MSDS Document for Ballistol]

External links

* [ Klever-Ballistol, manufacturer of Ballistol]

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