FP Jac

FP Jac

F.P. Jac, born Flemming Palle Jacobsen in 1955, is a Danish poet. His first publication was the poetry collection "Spontane kalender-blade" (Spontaneous Calendar-sheets) from 1976. He thus belongs to the so-called eighties-generation of poets. He has published more than fifty collections of poetry. A few of them in cooperation with some other Danish poets, namely Asger Schnack and K.Høeck. His latest work is "Søvnlysninger", (Sleeplightings), 2007.

F.P. Jac has often been described as an excentric, with a slanted and personal use of language. He approaches everyday life with a defiant ability to find beauty and oddness, and has also coined many new phrases, that seemingly lacked exixtence in Danish language.

FP Jac often uses autobiographical material and memories in his writing, but always twists them into an innovative and humorous expression.


[http://www.bogrummet.dk/forfatter.asp?forid=679 Bogrummet.dk (Danish) ]

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