Siamoadapis maemohensis

Siamoadapis maemohensis

Taxobox | name = Siamoadapis
fossil_range = Middle Miocene
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
ordo = Primates
subordo = Strepsirrhini
infraordo = †Adapiformes
familia = †Sivaladapidae
genus = †Siamoadapis
species = "†S. maemohensis"
binomial = "†Siamoadapis maemohensis"
binomial_authority = Chaimanee et alii, 2007

"Siamoadapis maemohensis" is an extinct species of monkey found in Thailand, related to the present-day lemurs of Madagascar.

The fossils were discovered in the lignite layer of a coal mine in Mae Mo district, Lampang Province, northern Thailand, from which it also received its scientific species name. Four lower jaws with teeth were unearthed by a joint team of Thai and French geologists in 2004. It was dated to be 13.1 to 13.3 million years old, and described in 2007 by a team led by geologist Yaowalak Chaimanee (เยาวลักษณ์ ชัยมณี) from the Department of Mineral Resources, Thailand.

The animal was a very small monkey, with a body length of 15 centimetres and estimated to have weighted 500 grammes. Distinct for the species is the small size and differences in the teething compared to other Miocene sivaladapids.


*cite news|url=|title=Fossil dated 13m years|publisher=The Nation|date=February 26, 2008
*cite journal|volume=54|pages=434–443|journal=Journal of Human Evolution|title=First middle Miocene sivaladapid primate from Thailand|author=Yaowalak Chaimanee, Chotima Yamee, Pannipa Tian, Olivier Chavasseau, Jean-Jacques Jaeger|doi=10.1016/j.jhevol.2007.10.001|year=2008

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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