- 1036 in Ireland
Sigtrygg Silkbeard Olafsson, son of King Olaf Cuaran (also called Kvaaran) and Gormflaith. He was the leader of the Vikings at theBattle of Clontarf in 1014.References
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Coins of Ireland — Irish coins have been issued by a variety of local and national authorities, the ancient provincial Kings and High Kings of Ireland, the Kingdom of Ireland (1541 1801), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland(1801 1922), the Irish Free… … Wikipedia
List of years in Ireland — This is a list of years in Ireland. See also the timeline of Irish history. For only articles about years in Ireland that have been written, see . Twenty first century :2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 Twentieth century :2000 1999 1998… … Wikipedia
Govan — GOVAN, a parish, chiefly in the Lower ward of the county of Lanark, but partly in the Upper ward of the county of Renfrew; including the village of Strathbungo, and the late quoad sacra district of Partick; and containing 7810 inhabitants, of… … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
the creature — spirituous intoxicant Literally, something created, and perhaps only a shortened form of creature comfort: When he chanced to have taken an overdose of the creature. (W. Scott, 1815) The use, which survives in Ireland, often spelt… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
Ó Flaithbertaigh — Ireland in 1450 Ó Flaithbertaigh, Gaelic Irish surname, anglicized as O Flaherty Contents 1 Overview … Wikipedia
Flaithbertach Ua Néill — (before 978 ndash;1036) was king of Ailech, a kingdom of north west Ireland. He abdicated in 1030 and undertook a pilgrimage to Rome, for which reason he was known as Flaithbertach an Trostáin (Flaithbertach of the Pilgrim s staff). Following the … Wikipedia
Таллиаллен — Посёлок Ирландии Таллиаллен англ. Tullyallen, ирл. Tulaigh Álainn Страна … Википедия
Sigtrygg Silkbeard — Rey de Dublín Moneda de Sihtric Rey de Dublín 989 1036 … Wikipedia Español
Королевство Дублин — ирл. Dubh Linn древненорв. Dyflin королевство … Википедия
Amlaíb Cuarán — A coin minted at York in the early 940s, the obverse (right) face shows a triquetra and the legend ANLAF CVNVNCC (King Anlaf, the Old English form of Amlaíb /Óláfr), the reverse (left) face shows a banner, perhaps the Raven banner and the name of … Wikipedia