Leon Stein

Leon Stein

Leon Stein (September 18, 1910, Chicago - May 9, 2002, Laguna Hills, California) was an American composer and music analyst.

Stein attended DePaul University, where he achieved his MM in 1935 and his Ph.D. in 1949; he studied under Leo Sowerby, Eric DeLamarter, Frederick Stock, and Hans Lange. He taught at DePaul from 1931 to 1978; he was dean of the School of Music there between 1966 and 1976. Stein also directed the Institute of Music at the College of Jewish Studies, Chicago. He directed a number of Chicago ensembles, including the City Symphony of Chicago.

Stein's compositions were modernist in character; his works for saxophone are his most popular pieces. He also wrote on music, particularly Jewish music. His manuscripts are held in the Richardson Library at DePaul.


*"The Racial Thinking of Richard Wagner" (1950)
*"Structure and Style: The Study and Analysis of Musical Forms" (1962, 3rd ed. 1979)
*"Anthology of Musical Forms" (1962)


*"The Fisherman’s Wife" (1954)
*"Deirdre" (1955)
*2 early ballets

*"Violin Concerto" (1939)
*"3 Hassidic Dances" (1940-41)
*"Symphony No. 1" (1940)
*"Symphony No. 2" (1942)
*"Triptych on 3 Poems of Walt Whitman" (1943)
*"Symphony No.3" (1950–51)
*"Rhapsody" (1954)
*"Then Shall the Dust Return" (1971)
*"Symphony No. 4" (1974)
*"Cello Concerto" (1977)
*"Concerto" for clarinet and percussion (1979)

*"Sonata" for violin and piano (1932)
*"String Quartet No. 1" (1933)
*"Woodwind Quintet" (1936)
*"Invocation and Dance" (1938)
*"Quintet" for saxophone and string quartet (1957)
*"Sextet" (1958)
*"Violin Sonata" (1960)
*"Trio" for Saxophone, violin, and piano, (1961)
*"String Quartet No. 2" (1962)
*"String Quartet No. 3" (1964)
*"String Quartet No. 4" (1965)
*"Sonata" for tenor sax and piano (1967)
*"String Quartet No.5" (1967)
*"Suite" for saxophone quartet" (1967)
*"Sonata for Solo Viola" (1969)
*"Suite" for wind quintet (1970)
*"Brass Quintet" (1975)
*"Duo Concertante" for viola and cello (1978)
*"Suite" for string trio (1980)
*"Three for Nine" (1982)
*other works for solo instruments and keyboard

*"Liederkranz of Jewish Folksongs" (1936)
*"The Lord Reigneth" (1953)
*other religious choral works to Hebrew and English texts


*Margareth Owens, "Leon Stein". "The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians" online.

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