- English Subject Centre
The English Subject Centre supports the teaching and learning of
English literature , the English language andCreative Writing across UK Higher Education. The team of 8 full and part-time staff helps its members to share ideas and engage in good practice through events, networks and publications. The English Subject Centre is one of 24 Subject Centres, which together form the Subject Network of theHigher Education Academy . It is based in "'Royal Holloway, University of London .Activities
The Subject Centre supports, by a variety of means, all those who teach in subjects related to Higher Education English. The Centre runs events about the teaching of English, the curriculum and the key aspects of national policy that have an impact on the teaching of English. It sponsors both small and large projects concerned with the development of teaching and learning in the subject. [ [http://www.english.heacademy.ac.uk/explore/projects/index.php Projects home page ] ] It collects and disseminates qualitative and quantitative information of relevance to English. Its span of work covers all aspects of the teaching of English at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
External links
# [http://www.english.heacademy.ac.uk The English Subject Centre website]
# [http://www.english.heacademy.ac.uk/explore/events/index.php English Subject Centre Forthcoming events]
# [http://www.english.heacademy.ac.uk/explore/publications/index.php English Subject Centre publications]
# [http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/ourwork/networks/subjectcentres Higher Education Academy Subject Network]
# [http://www.heacademy.ac.uk Higher Education Academy homepage]Notes and references
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