Utricularia sect. Stomoisia

Utricularia sect. Stomoisia

name = "Stomoisia"

image_caption = "Utricularia cornuta" illustration from 1913
image_width = 220px
status =
status_ref =
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Lamiales
familia = Lentibulariaceae
genus = "Utricularia"
subgenus = "Bivalvaria"
sectio = "Stomoisia"
sectio_authority = (Raf.) Kuntze
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
*"Utricularia cornuta"
*"Utricularia juncea"
type_species = "U. cornuta"
type_species_authority = Michx.
synonyms =
*"Personula" Raf., as genus
*"Stomoisia" Raf., as genus

"Utricularia" sect. "Stomoisia" is a section in the genus "Utricularia". The two species in this section are small to medium sized terrestrial carnivorous plants native to North, Central, and South America. Constantine Samuel Rafinesque originally described and published this section as a separate genus in his 1838 taxonomic treatment. Otto Kuntze reduced the genus to its current status as a section in the genus "Utricularia" in 1903. Peter Taylor later refined the section, placing it in subgenus "Utricularia" in his 1986 monograph of the genus, also bringing one of Rafinesque's other genera, "Personula", into synonymy with the new section. Later molecular data resulted in the revision of Taylor's treatment, reinstating subgenus "Bivalvaria" and placing this section within it.Taylor, Peter. (1989). "The genus "Utricularia": A taxonomic monograph." Kew Bulletin Additional Series XIV: London.] Müller, K.F., Borsch, T., Legendre, L., Porembski, S., and Barthlott, W. (2006). Recent progress in understanding the evolution of carnivorous Lentibulariaceae (Lamiales). "Plant Biology", 8: 748-757.]

See also

* List of "Utricularia" species


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