- Force Commander
"'Force Commander can refer to:
Force Commander (military) , a command post in the British Army
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
"'Force Commander can refer to:
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Air Force Commander's Insignia — Description The Air Force Commander s Insignia is a badge of the United States Air Force which has been in existence since 2002. Also known as the USAF Commander’s Badge , the Air Force Commander s Insignia is awarded to any Air Force officer who … Wikipedia
Star Wars: Force Commander — Éditeur LucasArts Développeur Ronin Entertainment Date de sortie Mars 2000 Genre Stratégie en temps réel Mode de jeu Un joueur, multijou … Wikipédia en Français
joint force commander — A general term applied to a combatant commander, subunified commander, or joint task force commander authorized to exercise combatant command (command authority) or operational control over a joint force. Also called JFC. See also joint force … Military dictionary
Star Wars - Force Commander — Star Wars: Force Commander Star Wars: Force Commander est un jeu vidéo de stratégie dans l univers de la Guerre des étoiles développé par Ronin Entertainment et édité par LucasArts. Le jeu est sorti en 2000. Le joueur incarne tour à tour Brenn… … Wikipédia en Français
multinational force commander — A general term applied to a commander who exercises command authority over a military force composed of elements from two or more nations. The extent of the multinational force commander … Military dictionary
national force commander — priskirtų nacionalinių pajėgų vadas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Nacionalinių pajėgų, paskirtų kaip atskiras dalinys sąjungininkų vadovybės pavaldumui, vadas. atitikmenys: angl. national force commander pranc. commandant des forces… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Commander (United States) — In the United States, commander is a military rank that is also sometimes used as a military title, depending on the branch of service. It is also used as a rank or title in some organizations outside of the military, particularly in police and… … Wikipedia
Commander of the Air Force (Sri Lanka) — Sri Lanka Air Force … Wikipedia
Force Delta — Delta Force 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta (Airborne) Période 19 novembre 1977 Pays États Unis Branche United States Army Type U … Wikipédia en Français
commander, amphibious task force — The Navy officer designated in the order initiating the amphibious operation as the commander of the amphibious task force. Also called CATF. See also amphibious operation; amphibious task force; commander, landing force … Military dictionary