Friar Rush

Friar Rush

Friar Rush is a diabolical "Kobold"-figure in the guise of a helpful monk who brought a monastery into dire confusion, who appears in Early Modern folk literature of Denmark and Germany. [Charles Harold Herford devotes his Chapter 5.iv to the figure of Friar Rush in "Studies in the Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Sixteenth Century" 1966:193-322) ISBN 0714620629 .] The misadventures of this prankster are narrated in Low Saxon, Danish and High German metrical versions, and in the English "Frier Rush". G.L. Kittredge [G. L. Kittredge, "The Friar's Lantern and Friar Rush" "PMLA" 15.4 (1900:415-441).] was of the opinion that the common opinion, that Friar Rush in England was simply another household manifestation of Robin Goodfellow, was an oversimplification.

Friar Rush appears in Thomas Dekker's "If This Be Not a Good Play the Devill is in It."


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