Priscilla K. Coleman

Priscilla K. Coleman

Priscilla K. Coleman is an Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. [ [] ] She is a family researcher and pro-life advocate. [ [ CV.pdf] - there is a space between Coleman and CV: bout/vitas/Coleman CV.pdf; She is the faculty adviser, for Falcons for Life, (a pro-life group) on Bowling Green State University, and belongs to other pro-life groups] [ [ American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists] ]

Coleman has published twelve articles in peer-reviewed journals that claim there is a causal relationship between abortion and negative mental health. [ "Is there a Post Abortion Syndrome"?] The New York Times] Her co-authors are pro-life advocates J.R. Cougle, Vincent Rue and David Reardon. Reardon is controversial for misrepresenting his academic credentials and for his research methods.

The statistical methods Coleman and her co-authors use have been criticized by the American Psychological Association (APA) [ NOW with David Brancaccio] PBS
HINOJOSA: In emails, two prominent independent scientists, on a panel that is reviewing the scientific literature for the American Psychological Association told us the studies have "inadequate or inappropriate" controls and don't adequately control "for women's mental health prior to the pregnancy and abortion."] A panel convened by the APA has written that the studies by Coleman, and her co-authors have "inadequate or inappropriate" controls and don't adequately control "for women's mental health prior to the pregnancy and abortion."

Coleman, Cougle, Reardon and Rue have also been criticized by other researchers in the field. Jillian Henderson and Katharine Miller wrote to the "Journal of Anxiety Disorders" claiming, "We believe that Cougle, et al., operate with strong political views regarding abortion, and unfortunately their biases appear to have resulted in serious methodological flaws in the analysis published in your journal. [Reardon, Coleman and Cougle] are involved in building a literature to be used in efforts to restrict access to abortion." [Correspondence between Jillian Henderson and Katharine Miller and journal editors Michel Hersen and Cynthia Last, January 13, 2004 on file at [ PRA] .]


ee also

* Abortion and mental health
* Crisis Pregnancy Centers
* David Reardon
* Abortion

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