Saint Digain

Saint Digain

St Digain (also known as Dygain) was a 5th century Welsh saint and Prince of Dumnonia (now the English West Country).


Digain ap Constantine was said to be the son of Constantine Corneu, King of Dumnonia, and was born in "c."429 [ [ Early British Kingdoms: West Country Royal Pedigree.] Retrieved on 2008-02-25.] . He was believed to have had three brothers, Erbin (also sainted), Meirchion and Drustan, and possibly a sister (of unknown name) [Barber, Chris and Plykitt, David. "Journey to Avalon: The Final Discovery of King Arthur" Weiser Books 1997 ISBN 13-978-1578630240 p249] .


Traditionally St Digain founded the church of that name in Llangernyw, meaning "the church of the Cornishman", in the county of Clwyd in Wales [ [ Eastern Conwy Churches Survey: Church of St Digain, Llangernyw.] Retrieved on 2008-02-25.] . His sainthood was due being a confessor, meaning he was of remarkable virtue and confessed of the faith through through writings and preachings, and has the feast day of November 21 [Bunson, Matthew, Steven and Margaret. "Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Saints" Our Sunday Visitor 1998 ISBN 13-78-0879735883 p249] .


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