JUGENE ("Jülich Blue Gene") is a supercomputer built by IBM for the Jülich Research Centre in Germany. It is based on the Blue Gene/P and is the successor to the JUBL based on an earlier design. It was at the introduction the second fastest computer in the world and the fastest in Europe. The computer is owned by the Institute "Jülich Supercomputing Centre" (JSC) and the Virtual Gauss Centre for Supercomputing.

With 65,536 PowerPC 450 cores, clocked at 850 MHz and housed in 16 cabinets the computer reaches a peak processing power of 222.8 TFLOPS (Rpeak). With an official Linpack rating of 167.3 TFLOPS (Rmax) JUGENE took second place overall and is the fastest civil/commercially used computer in the TOP500 list of November 2007.cite news
title=Supercomputing: Jülich Amongst World Leaders Again
work=Jülich Research Centre

The computer was financed by Research Centre, the Province of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Federal Ministry for Research and Education as well as the "Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft" (Helmholtz Society). The head of the JSC, Thomas Lippert, said that "The unique thing about our JUGENE is its extremely low power consumption compared to other systems even at maximum computing power". A Blue Gene/P-System should reach about 0.35 GFLOPS/Watt and is therefore an order of magniture more effective than a common x86 based supercomputer for a similar task. [cite news
title=IBM Enters Petascale Era with Blue Gene/P
work= [http://www.hpcwire.com/ HPCwire.com]


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