Grevillea concinna

Grevillea concinna

name = Red Combs

regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
ordo = Proteales
familia = Proteaceae
genus = "Grevillea"
species = "G. concinna "
binomial = "Grevillea concinna"
binomial_authority = R.Br. |

"Grevillea concinna" (Red Combs or Elegant Grevillea) is a shrub which is endemic to Western Australia. It grows up to 1.6 metres in height and has linear leaves.

Flowers are produced most prolifically between September and December in its native range. The perianth is silver to cream or yellow-green, with pink or red (occasionally pink or yellow) styles.

The species was first formally described by botanist Robert Brown, his description published in "Transactions of the Linnean Society of London" in 1810.


The species occurs between Cape Le Grand and Lucky Bay in coastal shrubland.


*APNI | name = "Grevillea concinna"| id = 43993
*Flora of Australia Online|name="Grevillea concinna"|id=2603
*FloraBase|name="Grevillea concinna"|id=1978

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