- 1926 Lithuanian coup d'état
The 1926 Lithuanian coup d'état (Lithuanian: "1926-ųjų perversmas") was a military
coup d'etat inLithuania that resulted in the replacement of the democratically elected government with a conservative authoritarian government led byAntanas Smetona . The coup took place on December 17, 1926 and was largely organized by the military; Smetona's role remains the subject of debate. The coup brought theLithuanian National Union , the most conservative party at the time, to power. Before 1926, it had been a fairly new and insignificant nationalistic party: in 1926, its membership numbered about 2,000 and it had won only three seats in the parliamentary elections. [lt icon cite book |title=Lietuvos istorija 11–12 klasėms | first=Rūstis |last=Kamuntavičius |coauthors=Vaida Kamuntavičienė, Remigijus Civinskas, Kastytis Antanaitis |year=2001 |publisher=Vaga |location=Vilnius |isbn=5-415-01502-7 |pages=385] TheLithuanian Christian Democrats , the largest party in theSeimas at the time, collaborated with the military and provided constitutional legitimacy to the coup, but did not accept any major posts in the new government and withdrew in May 1927. After the military handed power over to the civilian government, it ceased playing a direct role in political life. Smetona and his party, however, remained in power until 1940, when Lithuania was occupied by theSoviet Union .Background
Lithuania was incorporated into the
Russian Empire in 1795. It was occupied by Germany duringWorld War I , and declared itself independent on February 16, 1918. The next two years were marked by the turbulence of theLithuanian Wars of Independence , delaying international recognition and the establishment of political institutions. The newly-formed army fought theBolshevik s, theBermontians , and Poland. In October 1920, Poland annexedVilnius , the historic and modern-day capital of Lithuania, and the surrounding area; this controversial action was the source of ongoing tension between the two powers during the interwar period. Lithuania's second-largest city,Kaunas , was designated the interim capital of the state.The
Constituent Assembly of Lithuania , elected in April 1920, adopted a constitution in August 1922; elections to theFirst Seimas took place in October 1922. The most-disputed constitutional issue was the role of the presidency. Eventually, the powers of government were heavily weighted in favor of theunicameral parliament (Seimas ). Members of the Seimas were elected by the people to three-year terms. Each new Seimas directly elected the president, who was authorized to appoint a prime minister. The Prime Minister was then charged with confirming a cabinet of ministers. The presidential term was limited to no more than two three-year terms in succession. [cite journal| first= Juozas B. |last=Laučka |title=The Structure And Operation Of Lithuania's Parliamentary Democracy 1920–1939 |journal=Lituanus |date=Fall 1986| volume=32 |issue=3 |issn=0024-5089 |accessdate=2008-03-04 |url=http://www.lituanus.org/1986/86_3_01.htm] Theparliamentary system proved unstable: eleven cabinets were formed between November 1918 and December 1926.The principal political actors at the time of the coup had been active during the independence movement and the republic's first few years. Antanas Smetona had served as Lithuania's first president between April 1919 and June 1920; he then withdrew from formal political involvement, although he published political criticism, for which he served a brief prison term in 1923. [cite web |url=http://www.president.lt/institution/istorija/1
publisher= Institution of the President of the Republic of Lithuania |title=Antanas Smetona |accessdate=2008-03-09 ]Augustinas Voldemaras represented Lithuania at theTreaty of Brest-Litovsk in 1918 and later served as Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, and Minister of Foreign Affairs. He resigned from the government in 1920, although he continued to write and publish political criticism, for which he also was sentenced to a short prison term. [cite journal| first=Kristina |last=Vaičikonis |title= Augustinas Voldemaras |journal=Lituanus |date=Fall 1984| volume=30 |issue=3 |issn=0024-5089 |accessdate=2008-03-10 |url=http://www.lituanus.org/1984_3/84_3_06.htm]Kazys Grinius had chaired a post-World War I repatriation commission, and went on to serve as head of the 6th Cabinet of Ministers and in the First andSecond Seimas . [cite web
url=http://www.president.lt/institution/istorija/3 |publisher= Institution of the President of the Republic of Lithuania |title=Kazys Grinius |accessdate=2008-03-09]Mykolas Sleževičius served as prime minister in 1918 and 1919, oversaw the organization of the Lithuanian armed forces in 1920, and was a member of the Second Seimas between 1922 and 1926. [lt icon cite web
url=http://www3.lrs.lt/pls/inter/w5_show?p_r=4160&p_d=2796&p_k=1 |publisher= Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania |title=Mykolas Sleževičius |accessdate=2008-03-09]1926 parliamentary election
Between May 8 and May 10, 1926, regular elections to the Third Seimas were held. For the first time since 1920, the
Lithuanian Christian Democrats , which strongly supported theRoman Catholic Church and its clergy, did not obtain a majority. The Lithuanian people were disillusioned with this party, as its members had been involved in several financial scandals: Juozas Purickas had been using his diplomatic privileges inMoscow to deal incocaine andsaccharin ; Eliziejus Draugelis and Petras Josiukas had purchased cheap low-quality smoked pig fat from Germany instead of buying from Lithuanian farmers; and the Minister of Finance,Vytautas Petrulis , had transferred a large sum of money from the state budget to his personal account.lt icon cite book | last=Eidintas | first=Alfonsas | title=Lietuvos Respublikos prezidentai | year=1991 | publisher=Šviesa | location=Vilnius | isbn=5-430-01059-6 | pages=87–95] The party's strategies for coping with an economic crisis were perceived as ineffective.lt icon cite book | last=Kulikauskas | first=Gediminas | title=Gimtoji istorija. Nuo 7 iki 12 klasės | url=http://mkp.emokykla.lt/gimtoji/ | accessdate=2008-02-23 | year=2002 | publisher=Elektroninės leidybos namai | location=Vilnius | isbn=9986-9216-9-4 | chapter=1926 m. valstybės perversmas | chapterurl=http://mkp.emokykla.lt/gimtoji/?id=10114] An additional tension arose whenConcordat of 1925 unilaterally recognizedVilnius as an ecclesiastical province ofPoland , despite Lithuanian requests to govern Vilnius directly from Rome, which however, was not Vatican policy or tradition.cite book | last=Gerutis | first=Albertas | editor=Ed. Albertas Gerutis | others=translated by Algirdas Budreckis | title=Lithuania: 700 Years | year=1984 | edition=6th | publisher=Manyland Books | location=New York | id=LCC | 75-80057 |isbn=0-87141-028-1 | pages=216–221 | chapter=Independent Lithuania] The decision implied that the Pope had recognized Polish claims to Vilnius, and constituted a loss of prestige for the Christian Democrats.cite book | first=R. J. |last=Crampton |title=Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century |publisher=Routledge |year=1994 |pages=102 |isbn=0-415-05346-3 |url= http://books.google.com/books?id=7Ro-AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA102&lpg=PA102source=web&ots=U0GjjwLWKF&sig=OjO0vXUbR4fPzfGEP4_FMkb1Tgc&hl=en] Diplomatic relations were severed and they did not improve when in April 1926Pope Pius XI unilaterally established and reorganized Lithuanian ecclesiastical province without regard to Lithuanian proposals and demands. [lt icon cite book | last=Eidintas | first=Alfonsas | title=Lietuvos Respublikos prezidentai | year=1991 | publisher=Šviesa | location=Vilnius | isbn=5-430-01059-6 | pages=50–51]The Peasant Popular Union and Social Democrats formed a left-wing coalition in opposition to the Christian Democrats. But the coalition still did not constitute a majority, and it went on to add representatives of minorities in Lithuania – Germans from the
Klaipėda Region , Poles, and Jews. On June 7, Kazys Grinius was elected the 3rdPresident of Lithuania and Mykolas Sleževičius became the Prime Minister. Both were members of the Peasant Popular Union.Causes
The reasons for the coup remain the subject of debate.cite book| first=Vytas Stanley |last=Vardys |coauthors=Judith B. Sedaitis |title=Lithuania: The Rebel Nation |publisher=WestviewPress |year=1997 |series=Westview Series on the Post-Soviet Republics |isbn=0-8133-1839-4 |pages=34–36] The domestic situation was definitely troubled; historians have pointed to specific European precedents in the 1920s that may have had an influence, including the 1922 Coup by
Benito Mussolini in Italy and the May 1926 Coup byJózef Piłsudski in Poland.cite book | last=Eidintas | first=Alfonsas | coauthors=Vytautas Žalys, Alfred Erich Senn | editor=Ed. Edvardas Tuskenis | title=Lithuania in European Politics: The Years of the First Republic, 1918–1940 | edition=Paperback | year=1999 | month=September | publisher=St. Martin's Press | location=New York | isbn=0-312-22458-3 | pages=53–58 ] Other historians have cited more general trends in Europe that resulted, by the end of the 1930s, in more or less undemocratic governments in almost all European nations. Democratic immaturity was displayed by an unwillingness to compromise, and the frequent shifts of government created a chronic perception of crisis. Historians have also discussed an exaggerated fear of communism as a factor, along with the lack of a stable center that could reach out to parties on the left and right; these parties accused each other ofBolshevism andfascism . According to historian Anatol Lieven, Smetona and Voldemaras saw themselves as the dispossessed true heroes of the independence movement, who despaired of returning to power by democratic means. [cite book |url=http://books.google.com/books?id=iz3NACNOpCAC&pg=PA66&lr=&sig=fTexWGn8-G5Jrky3MZpaq3Nr5Rw|title=The Baltic Revolution: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Path to Independence | first=Anatol |last=Lieven |year=1994 |publisher=Yale University Press |pages=66 |isbn=0-300-06078-5|]After the May elections, the Grinius/Sleževičius government lifted
martial law , still in effect inKaunas and other localities, restored democratic freedoms, and granted broad amnesty to political prisoners. For the first time, Lithuania had become truly democratic. However, the change did not meet with universal approval. Many of the released prisoners were communists who quickly used the new freedoms of speech to organize a protest, attended by approximately 400 people, in Kaunas on June 13. The protest was dispersed. The new government's opposition used this protest as the platform for a public attack on the government, alleging that it was allowing illegal organizations (theCommunist Party of Lithuania was still outlawed) to freely continue their activities. Despite its local nature, the incident was presented as a major threat to Lithuania and its military; the government was said to be incapable of dealing with this threat.Further allegations of "Bolshevization" were made after Lithuania signed a non-aggression treaty with the Soviet Union on September 28, 1926. The treaty was conceived by the previous government, which had been dominated by the Christian Democrats. However, Christian Democrats voted against the treaty, while Antanas Smetona strongly supported it. It drew sharp criticism as Lithuania exchanged repeated recognition of its rights to the Vilnius Region for international isolation as the treaty demanded that Lithuania make no other alliances with other countries. At the time, the Soviet Union was not a member of the
League of Nations ; France and the UK were looking for reliable partners in Eastern Europe and theBaltic states were contemplating a union on their own.lt icon cite book |title=Lietuvos istorija 11–12 klasėms | first=Rūstis |last=Kamuntavičius |coauthors=Vaida Kamuntavičienė, Remigijus Civinskas, Kastytis Antanaitis |year=2001 |publisher=Vaga |location=Vilnius |isbn=5-415-01502-7 |pages=376-379] On November 21, a student demonstration against "Bolshevization" was forcibly dispersed by the police. About 600 Lithuanian students gathered near a communist-led workers' union. The police, fearing armed clashes between the two groups, intervened and attempted to stop the demonstration. Seven police officers were injured and thirteen students were arrested. In an attempt to legally overthrow the government, the Christian Democrats suggested amotion of no confidence in response to the incident, but it was rejected.Another public outcry arose when the government, seeking the support of ethnic minorities, allowed the opening of over 80 Polish schools in Lithuania. At the time, the Polish government was closing Lithuanian schools in the fiercely contested
Vilnius Region . The coalition government directly confronted the Christian Democrats when it proposed a 1927 budget that reduced salaries to the clergy and subsidies to Catholic schools. Further controversies were created when the government's military reform program was revealed as a careless downsizing. Some 200 conservative military officers were fired. The military began planning the coup.Preparations
There is considerable academic debate concerning Antanas Smetona's involvement in planning the coup. In 1931, Augustinas Voldemaras, who had since been ousted from the government and forced into exile, wrote that Smetona had been planning the coup since 1925. Historian Zenonas Butkus asserted that an idea of a coup had been raised as early as 1923. However, this time frame is disputed, since the military did not take action until the autumn of 1926. Smetona's personal secretary, Aleksandras Merkelis, held that Smetona knew about the coup, but neither inspired nor organized it.lt icon cite book| title=Lietuvos Respublikos prezidentai |editor=Antanas Drilinga |publisher=Valstybės leidybos centras |location=Vilnius |year=1995 |pages=86–90 | isbn=9986-09-055-5] Before the coup, Smetona had been the editor of "Lietuvis" ("The Lithuanian"), and a shift in its orientation that took place in late November has been cited as evidence that he was not informed about the coup until then. Before the issue of November 25 appeared, the newspaper was critical of the government and of the Christian Democrats. On that date, however, the newspaper published several articles about the November 21 student protest and an article headlined "Bolshevism's Threat to Lithuania". The latter article argued that the communists posed a genuine threat and that the current government was incapable of dealing with it. After that date, the newspaper ceased issuing criticisms of the Christian Democrats.
On September 20, 1926, five military officers, led by Captain Antanas Mačiuika, organized a committee. Generals Vladas Nagevičius and Jonas Bulota were among its members. About a month later, another group, the so-called Revolutionary General Headquarters (Lithuanian: "revoliucinis generalinis štabas"), was formed. The two groups closely coordinated their efforts. By December 12, the military had already planned detailed actions, investigated the areas where the action was to take place, and informed the leaders of the Lithuanian National Union and Christian Democratic parties. Rumors of the plan reached the Social Democrats, but they took no action. Just before the coup,
disinformation about movements of the Polish army in theVilnius Region was disseminated; its purpose was to induce troops in Kaunas that would potentially have opposed the coup to move towards Vilnius.The coup
On late December 16 evening soviet consul informed Sleževičius about possible coup in following night, but Sleževičius did not pay mush attention to it. [cite book | last = Žalys | first = Vytautas | authorlink = | coauthors = | title = Lietuvos diplomatijos istorija (1925-1940). T-1 | publisher = Versus aureus | date = 2006 | location = Vilnius | pages = 210 | url = | doi = | id = | isbn = 9955699507 ] The coup began on the night of December 17, 1926. The 60th birthday of President
Kazys Grinius was being celebrated in Kaunas, attended by numerous state officials. The 1927 budget, with its cuts to military and church spending, had not yet been passed. During the night, military forces occupied central military and government offices and arrested officials. ColonelKazys Škirpa , who had initiated the military reform program, tried to rally troops against the coup, but was soon overpowered and arrested. The Seimas was dispersed and President Grinius was placed under house arrest. ColonelPovilas Plechavičius was released from prison (he had been serving a 20-day sentence for a fist fight with another officer) and declared dictator of Lithuania. Later that day, Colonel Plechavičius asked Smetona to become the new President and normalize the situation. The military strove to create the impression that the coup had been solely their initiative, that Smetona had not been involved at all, and that he had joined it only in response to an invitation to serve as the "savior of the nation". Prime Minister Sleževičius resigned, and President Grinius appointedAugustinas Voldemaras as the new Prime Minister.Smetona and Voldemaras, both representing the Lithuanian National Union, invited the Christian Democrats to join them in forming a new government that would restore some degree of constitutional legitimacy. The party agreed reluctantly; they were worried about their prestige. Looking toward the near future, the Christian Democrats reasoned that they could easily win any upcoming Seimas elections, regaining power by constitutional means and avoiding direct association with the coup. In keeping with this strategy, they allowed members of the Lithuanian National Union to take over the most prominent posts.
Initially, President Grinius refused to resign, but he was eventually persuaded that Polish invasion was imminent and that Smetona had sworn to uphold the constitution. On December 19, 42 delegates of the Seimas met (without the Social Democrats or the Peasant Popular Union) and elected
Aleksandras Stulginskis as the new Speaker of the Seimas. Stulginskis was the formal head of state for a few hours before Smetona was elected as the President (38 deputies voted for, two against, and two abstained). The Seimas also passed avote of confidence in the new cabinet formed by Voldemaras. Constitutional formalities were observed thereby. The Lithuanian National Union secured other major roles:Antanas Merkys assumed office as Minister of Defense andIgnas Musteikis as Minister of the Interior.Aftermath
The official rationale given by the military was that their actions had prevented an imminent Bolshevik coup, allegedly scheduled for December 20. Martial law was declared. About 350 communists were arrested and four leaders (Karolis Požėla, Juozas Greifenbergeris, Kazys Giedrys and Rapolas Čarnas) were executed on December 29. This was a serious blow to the Communist Party of Lithuania and it was inactive for a time. No concrete evidence was ever found that the communists had planned any coups. Other political parties and organizations were not brutalized and, according to the military, no casualties were associated with the coup, apart from the four executions. However, other sources cite the case of Captain Vincas Jonuška, who was allegedly shot by the guards of the Presidential Palace, and died a day later in a hospital. [ lt icon cite book| title=Lietuvos Respublikos prezidentai |editor=Antanas Drilinga |publisher=Valstybės leidybos centras |location=Vilnius |year=1995 |pages=330–331 | isbn=9986-09-055-5]
International recognition of the new government did not prove to be difficult. The Western powers were not pleased with the
Third Seimas when it ratified the non-aggression treaty with the Soviet Union in September. They were looking for a government that would change the priorities of Lithuanian foreign policy. It was therefore not surprising that the British "Daily Telegraph ", the French "Le Matin", and the United States' "New York Times " wrote that the coup was expected to curtail the move towards friendly relations with the Soviet Union and normalize relations with Poland; the anti-democratic and unconstitutional nature of the coup was not emphasized.cite book | title=Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes in Europe: Legacies And Lessons |url=http://books.google.com/books?id=olpKYhgrS48C&pg=PA299&sig=A-ZHQnoeUjifMzhc8Xwp_0pwhaQ#PPA299,M1 |first=Algimantas |last=Kasperavičius |chapter=The Historical Experience of the Twentieth Century: Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism in Lithuania |year=2006 |pages=299–300 | publisher=Berghahn Books |isbn= 1-57181-641-0 |editor=Jerzy W. Borejsza, Klaus Ziemer ] The Western press reported the news calmly, or assessed it as a positive development in the Lithuanian struggle against Bolshevism. International diplomatic opinion held that a strong authoritarian leader would provide internal stability, and that even during the earlier years of the republic Lithuania had not been genuinely democratic, since many essential freedoms were curtailed under martial law.The Christian Democrats, believing that the coup was merely a temporary measure, demanded that new elections to the Seimas be held, but Smetona stalled. He predicted that his party would not be popular and that he would not be re-elected president. [cite book | last=Eidintas | first=Alfonsas | coauthors=Vytautas Žalys, Alfred Erich Senn | editor=Ed. Edvardas Tuskenis | title=Lithuania in European Politics: The Years of the First Republic, 1918–1940 | edition=Paperback | year=1999 | month=September | publisher=St. Martin's Press | location=New York | isbn=0-312-22458-3 | pages=112] In the meantime, the Nationalists were discussing constitutional changes that would increase the powers of the executive branch while curbing the powers of the Seimas. In April a group of populists tried to organize a coup "to defend the constitution," but the plans were discovered and the rebels were arrested. Among the detainees was a member of the Seimas, Juozas Pajaujis. On April 12, 1927, the Seimas protested this arrest by delivering a motion of no confidence against the Voldemaras government. Smetona, using his constitutional right to do so, dissolved the Seimas. The constitution was violated, however, when no new elections were held within two months. In April, Christian Democratic newspapers, which had been calling for new elections, were censored. On May 2, 1927, Christian Democrats withdrew from the government, thinking that the Nationalists acting alone would not be able to sustain it.lt icon cite book | last=Eidintas | first=Alfonsas | title=Lietuvos Respublikos prezidentai | year=1991 | publisher=Šviesa | location=Vilnius | isbn=5-430-01059-6 | pages=107–108] As a result, the Lithuanian National Union took the upper hand in its dispute with a much larger and influential rival and assumed the absolute control of the state.
The 1926 coup was a major event in interwar Lithuania; the dictatorship would go on for 14 years. In 1935, the Smetona government outlawed the activities of all other political parties. The coup continues to be a difficult issue for Lithuanians, since the Soviet Union would go on to describe its subsequent occupation of Lithuania as a liberation from fascism.
Encyclopedia Britannica , however, describes the regime as authoritarian and nationalistic rather than fascist. [cite web|title=Baltic states:Independence and the 20th century > Independent statehood > Politics|url=https://edit.britannica.com/getEditableToc?tocId=37259|publisher=Encyclopedia Britannica|accessdate=2008-03-20] The coup's apologists have described it as a corrective to an extreme form ofparliamentarianism , justifiable in light of Lithuania's political immaturity. [cite book |url = http://books.google.com/books?id=fecMC0LXU-sC&pg=PA23&sig=ya_dApic5vy1riHRXTHK1Wy9Uqc
title = Lithuania: Stepping Westward |first=Thomas |last=Lane |year=2001 |publisher=Routledge |pages=23–24 |isbn= 0-41526-731-5]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.