1985 slam dunk contest

1985 slam dunk contest

The 1985 Slam Dunk Contest is widely heralded as one of the greatest dunk contests of all time. It featured two of the highest flyers of the time, Michael Jordan and Dominique Wilkins. The other participants of the contest included Clyde Drexler, Julius Erving, Darrel Griffith, Larry Nance, Terence Stansbury, and Orlando Woodbridge. Both Larry Nance and Julius Erving had first round byes due to their finishing first and second in the previous year’s contest.

First Round

The first round was highlighted with the only perfect score of 50 for the round by Terence Stansbury. The judges gave him a perfect score on a 360 statue of liberty dunk. The other two highs from the round were two 49’s both performed by Dominique Wilkins. Clyde Drexler 122, Darrell Griffith 126, and Orlando Woodbridge 124 were eliminated after the first round. Michael Jordan 130, Terence Stansbury 130, and Dominique Wilkins 145 all advanced.


The semi-finals only had one perfect score of 50 and it was scored by Michael Jordan on his last dunk when he jumped from the free throw line and slammed it home with one hand. Both Terence Stansbury and Dominique Wilkins each scored a 49 in this round. The two that advanced to the finals were Michael Jordan 142 and Dominique Wilkins 140. Julius Erving 132, Larry Nance 131, and Terence Stansbury 136 were all eliminated.


In the final round Dominique Wilkins scored two 50’s in the final round. On the first Wilkins bounced off the backboard and reversed it home with two hands. On the second he performed a huge two hand windmill dunk that sealed the victory for him. The final scores were Michael Jordan 136 and Dominique Wilkins 147. This was the first of many battles for slam dunk supremacy fought between Michael and Dominique, with round one going to Dominique.


* [http://www.nba.com/history/allstar/slamdunk_year_by_year.html#1985 NBA.com Year by Year Results]

External links

* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRrBgpIqlt8&feature=related Youtube 1985 Dunk Contest Part 1]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0X_x8_vbqDM&feature=related Youtube 1985 Dunk Contest Part 2]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqs51jKhhBk&feature=related Youtube 1985 Dunk Contest Part 3]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvQ1aUu9BvA&feature=related Youtube 1985 Dunk Contest Part 4]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdJohHuBC6s&feature=related Youtube 1985 Dunk Contest Part 5]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-uDyZoHnOw&feature=related Youtube 1985 Dunk Contest Part 6]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph26yJpBVAk&feature=related Youtube 1985 Dunk Contest Part 7]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVNOBnLOmGA&feature=related Youtube 1985 Dunk Contest Part 8]

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