- List of reserves for waterbirds and migratory birds in Switzerland
This is a list of reserves for waterbirds and migratory birds in Switzerland. The reserves on this inventory are protected by federal legislation.
Reserves of international importance
Reserves of national importance
* cite swiss law | sr = 922.32 | link = 922_32 | art = pp1 | date = 1991-01-21 | en = | enab = | de = Verordnung über die Wasser- und Zugvogelreservate von internationaler und nationaler Bedeutung | deab = WZVV | fr = Ordonnance sur les réserves d'oiseaux d'eau et de migrateurs d'importance internationale et nationale | frab = OROEM | it = | itab =
External links
EUNIS : [http://eunis.eea.europa.eu/designations-factsheet.jsp?fromWhere=en&idDesign=CH09&geoscope=34 Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA): Switzerland - Reserves for Waterbirds and Migrants of International and National Importance (CH09)]
* [http://www.bafu.admin.ch/jagd_wildtiere/00483/00789/index.html Schutzgebiete: Wasser- und Zugvogelreservate] de icon fr icon it icon
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