William Hofmann

William Hofmann

William Hofmann illustrated books in the late 1950s and the 1960s.


first edition hardback of "Kings Will Be Tyrants" by Ward Hawkins. Cover art by William Hofmann.]

The works he illustrated include:
*"The First Easter" (1959) by Peter Marshall
*"Five World Biographies" (1961) edited by Leon Edel, Elizabeth S. White, Madolyn W. Brown
*"The Blue of Capricorn" (1962) by Eugene Burdick
*"Indian Uprising, Houghton Mifflin (1962) by George Cory Franklin
*"" (1962) by Walter O'Meara
*"" (1963) by A.B.C. Whipple
*"Backtrack (western novel)" (1965) by Milton Lott
*"Time Was", Folkways Press (1965) by John Foster West
*"Phaëthon" (1966) by Merrill Pollack
*"Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths" (1966) by Bernard Evslin

Dust Jackets

He also illustrated the dust jackets of:
*"Kings Will Be Tyrants" (1959) by Ward Hawkins
*"" (1962) by Walter O'Meara
*"Backtrack" (1965), by Milton Lott
*"The Mountbattens - The Last Royal Success Story", Random House (1965) by Alden Hatch
*"Avalon", Hodder and Stoughton (1966) by Anya Seton
*"World in a Glass - A View of Our Century From the Novels of John Dos Passos, Houghton Mifflin (1966) by John Dos Passos
*"A Tract of Time" (1966) by Smith Hempstone
*"Jubilee" (1966) by Margaret Walker
*"Earth Abides" (1969) by George R. Stewart
*"Operation Destruct, Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1969) by Christopher Nicole
*"Logan's Run, Dell paperback (1969) by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson

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