

French commune
native_name = Vigy
common_name = Vigy(French: If peace inside, peace outside)

x = 208
y = 67
time zone = CET (GMT +1)
region = Lorraine
departement = Moselle (57)
intercomm = Communes du haut chemin
mayor = Alain Vanzella
party =
mandat = 2008-2014
date-population = 1999
population = 1,274
AU-area-date = 1999
AU-pop = 429 588
AU-pop-date =1999
cp = 57640
insee = 57716

Vigy is a village and commune in the Moselle "département" of north-eastern France.


Situated 15km from Metz, in a little town on the border with Germany and Luxembourg. Vigy is located on north-eastern of France

Natural spaces

An area of cereal fields, deciduous woodlands, wet meadows, bocages and rivers. Vigy is located in a protect sector

* Beautiful landscape (Protected by government)

* Bird [ [ Bazoncourt-Vigy (Important Birds Areas of France) ] ]



The Canner is a small French river at the confluence of the Moselle and the Rhin


Originally founded as a city by the Roman or Gallo-Roman around 671 BC

Vigy is chief town of canton since the French Revolution

During the war of 1914-1918, people of Vigy were expelled in Mussidan in the Dordogne country (France)


As of the 1999 census, there were 1,278 inhabitants in the commune of Vigy

Leisure and sights

The region, with its rich and varied historical heritage, lends itself to eco-tourism, as well as to those interested in industrial, cultural and military sites [ [ untitled ] ]

Vegetable labyrinth

There are natural maze

Only open from July to September [ Vegetable labyrinth (Official Website - French language)]

Steam train

This line was linked to the former SNCF Vigy to Hombourg-Budange one. In 1985, the local authorities had stopped supporting the line. ALEMF operated in this line with the definition of a "touristic" railway since 1986. [ [ FACS-UNECTO: Fédération des Amis des Chemins de fer Secondaires ] ] []

Only open from April to October

Velorail (Rail-cycle)

*Forest outing [ [ Recreation In Lorraine, France ] ]
*Booking recommended [ [ exe_guide_CRTL GB.indd ] ]

Only open from April to October


As the legend says : " Charlemagne and group of hunter was following a deer in the forest. It was a very very hot day and the people were very thirsty. Charlemagne makes the wish then build a churche if "jesus" came to help. Suddenly, under the feet of its horse spouts out a fresh and limpid source "

The first memory of the chapel is from 806.

In 1049, the pope Leon IX would have come to devote the churche.

In 1884 the recostruction of the chapel started by "Abbé Cazin" and "Vicomte de Coetlosquet" offered three windows forthe chapel. It got the shape we can see now.

Today, there are a new small churche in the middle of forest. In every year, on the Monday of Pentecot, lots of pilgrims come to the famous chapel.


Adeppa enjoys a privileged location on the edge of a forest.

* Lodging, restoration, animations, hiring of rooms

[ [ untitled ] ]


* Arboretum
* "Église Saint-Léger" (churche - 1868)

Sisters of Divine Providence (Soeurs de la divine providence) in Vigy (Hessange)

The Congregation of the Sisters of Divine Providence was founded by John Martin Moye, who with the assistance of Mademoiselle Marguerite LeComte, opened the first school of congregation at Vigy in 1762. After the French Revolution, all sisters was transferred to St. Jean de Bassel in Lorraine. [ [ Sisters of the Divine Providence of San Antonio, Texas ] ] [ [ CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Sisters of the Institute of Charity of Providence ] ]


You can watch few minutes in Vigy in these French films
*Life and Nothing But ( "la vie et rien d'autre" French title, French film, French director : Bertrand Tavernier)
*Je m'appelle Victor (French film, French director : Guy Jacques)others documents on TV (RTL,TF1,ZDF)


= Motorway =

Vigy is ideally located at the intersection of two majors axes: A4 motorway (going from Paris to Strasbourg) and the A31 motorway (going to Luxembourg at the North and towards Nancy)

*A4 - Number 37 - Ennery-Argancy
*A31 - Hauconcourt


*by train : Metz station : about 15 km
*by plane : More nearby airports include ETZ - Metz Nancy Lorraine 24.5 km south, LUX - Luxemburg Luxembourg 47.9 km north, ENC - Nancy Essey 56.7 km south, SCN - Saarbruecken Saarbrucken 59.0 km east
*by bus : Going to Metz city or Hagondange station. There are only one bus by day (daily : Monday to Saturday)

Notable people from Vigy

* Catherine Marsal, January 20, 1971 - cyclist [ Catherine Marsal]
* Jean-Martin Moye


ee also

*Communes of the Moselle department

* [ Everything you always wanted to know about the Frankisch toponymie of Saarland, Moselle and Luxembourg]


External links

* [ Getaway in the Metz Region: the Vigy Rail Bike]
* [ Official Website of the city of Vigy]
* [ Maps]

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