- Archducal hat
The first archducal coronet ( _de. Erzherzogskrone) was shown on a portrait of
Rudolf IV, Duke of Austria , though this coronet probably never existed.Ernest the Iron had acoronet made, and another was made on the death of Archduke Ferdinand II of theTyrol in 1595. The final archducal hat ("Erzherzogshut") as the crown of theArchduchy of Austria was made in 1616 for theregent of the Tyrol,Maximilian III . Its place of production remains unknown. Since then it has been kept at the Augustinianmonastery ofKlosterneuburg inLower Austria . It was brought toVienna in 1620 for the Ceremony of Homage by the Estates (the so called "Erbhuldigung ") for the new ruler, and was last there in 1835. Besides the archducal hat there are two other coronets. One is theducal hat kept in theLandesmuseum Joanneum inGraz , Styria. The other was made for Joseph II in 1764 for his coronation asHoly Roman Emperor inFrankfurt of which only the metal frame remains.The coat of arms of the federal state of
Upper Austria ("Oberösterreich") features on the top the archducal hat of Austria.Literature
*G. Kugler, Der österreichische Erzherzogshut und die Erbhuldigung, in: Der heilige Leopold, Ausstellungskatalog, Klosterneuburg 1985.
ee also
Austrian Crown Jewels
*Austrian Imperial Crown External links
* [http://www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop.e/e811839.htm;internal&action=_setlanguage.action?LANGUAGE=en AEIOU | Erzherzogshut]
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