- The Hole in the Fence
"the hole in the fence" (ISBN 9780660105185, 1976) is an
anthology -like storybook, starring a series of vegetable characters. Published inCanada by authority of the Canadian Minister of National Health and Welfare, it was a project of the Health Promotion Directorate, Health Services and Promotions Branch.The stories starred (in order of appearance)
Carrot ,Radish ,Potato ,Tomato ,Onion ,Beet , Bully Cucumber,Brussels Sprouts , best friendsPea andBean ,Pumpkin ,Mushroom , Mr. Cauliflower, Corn,Broccoli , Mr. Cabbage,Asparagus ,Eggplant , a doctor (Uncle Corn), Chinese Cabbage, and Little Green Tomato.It's meant to keep kids away from drugs.
* [http://eddra.emcdda.europa.eu/pls/eddra/showQuest?Prog_ID=2119 More information]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.