Vardar statistical region
- Vardar statistical region
The Republic of Macedonia is divided in eight arbitrary statistical regions. Vardar, located in the central part of Macedonia, borders Greece to the south. Internally, it borders Pelagonia, Southwestern, Skopje, Southeastern, and Eastern. The Vardar statistical region is named after the Vardar River, which runs through the region.
Vardar statistical region is divided into 7 municipalities:
#Demir Kapija
The Vardar statistical region is bisected by the Vardar River. The region is bounded to the south by Greece, the Skopje statistical region to the north, Eastern and Southeatern statistical regions to the east, and Pelagonia and Southwestern statistical regions to the west. The region is flatter than most of the rest of the country.
The current population of the Vardar Statistical Region is 133,248 citizens, according to the last population census in 2002, making it the least populous of the eight statistical regions.
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