
SAFE X3 is a technical architecture used by some Sage Software, and especially Sage ERP X3. This architecture, in its latest version 5.1, has the following characteristics :
* Availability on the following server platforms : Windows, Linux Red Hat, Unix (AIX,HP-UX).
* Availability on the Oracle and SQL server databases.
* Ability to be executed in 2 or 3 tier architecture, either with a Windows client or through a Web browser.
* Scalability through the ability of deployment on multiple process servers
* Unicode compliant, able to manage multi-language code and date, available today in standard in 7 languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese)

Technical components

SAFE X3 integers the following components :
* a virtual engine (adonix) executing the business logic.
* tools (compiler, debugger, profiler) for the developpers.
* a configuration console to ease the deployment in complex architectures
* one or more Web server in order to publish the user interface on the Web, and also to manage the Web service connexion (SOAP).

A meta-data dictionary stores the description of the database, of the components (actions, subprograms), of the user interface. The database and the user interface are automatically generated from dictionary metadata.

This architecture allows the definition of specific development integrated in the referential, signed through activity codes as customer specific, distributor specific, or vertical. The specific code defined in the dictionary is kept safe when a new version is delivered.

upervisor services

The plateforme integers in standard a set of services, and notably :
* tools to publish objects and services of the software as SOAP web services
* import/export tools.
* a Workflow engine.
* statistical aggregation functions.
* security management (filters by functions transactions, on companies, sites, data).
* a batch serve which can be managed through the user interface or via external tools
* Business Intelligence functions based on an integrated dictionary, allowing the automatic generation of a dedicated data mining database (datamart), the ETL procedures in order to populate the datamart, the user referential (Business Objects Universe). A presetting is supplied, the access to the reportsis integrated in the user interface.
* Purge and archive functions.
* administration tools for the database, in order to ease the database administration directly from the ERP user interface.
* Online documentation functions.
* A graphical process editor. This editor allows the user to draw graphical representation of interactive business processes.

User interface

Able to be used through a Windows client or a Web browser, the user interface manages the following elements :
* a portal able to publish ERP function through a grid or graphical presentation, Web pages, external RSS flows, notes, interactive graphical business processes.
* a set of graphical flash components delivered in standard : graphical presentation, hierarchical data editor through drag and drop, Gantt presentations, HTML editor.
* an integration of Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) directly in the user interface of the software.

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