- Takiyettin Mengusoglu
Takiyettin Mengusoglu is a [http://felsefe.istanbul.edu.tr/node/52 Turkish philosopher] .
Born in Malatya province of Turkey. After finishing the high school he went to Germany and become a student of
Nicolai Hartmann . He was known as Takiyettin Temuralp at that time and published [http://www.husserl.net/books/title.php?opt=3&source=793 Über die grenzen der erkennbarkeit bei Husserl und Scheler] in German. He is the author of the university text book [http://www.remzi.com.tr/index.asp?anakategori=59&kategori=149&kitapid=933 "Felsefeye Giris (Introduction to Philosophy)"] .
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