Foo Kok Keong

Foo Kok Keong

Foo Kok Keong (born January 8, 1963) is a former badminton star from Malaysia who rated among the world's best singles players from the late 1980's to the mid 1990's. Not a stylish looking player, he was noted for his quickness, stamina, and never-say-die tenacity. Kok Keong played for the Malaysian Thomas Cup (men's international) team which finished second to China in 1990, and for the team which defeated Indonesia for the world championship in 1992 . His victories in individual competition included the Singapore Open and French Open singles titles in 1990, and the Asian Championships singles title in 1994 [] . He was a runner-up in the Malaysia Open (1990, 1991), the British Commonwealth Games (1990) [ [ Commonwealth Games Medallists - Court and Table Sports ] ] , the World Grand Prix Final (1989) [ [ history of World Cup champs [Archive - Badminton Central Discussion Forums ] ] , and the All-England Championships (1991) [ [ All England ] ] .


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