Ringerike — ▪ geographical region, Norway kommune (“commune”) and geographic region, southeastern Norway, just northwest of Oslo. The region covers a total area of 600 square miles (1,553 square km) adjacent to the northern shore of Lake Tyri and… … Universalium
Estilo Ringerike — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El estilo Ringerike es un estilo de decoración zoomórfica vikinga que se desarrolló del siglo X al siglo XI, como evolución del estilo Mammen anterior. Recibió su nombre de un grupo de piedras rúnicas decoradas con… … Wikipedia Español
Urnes style — The Urnes style was the last phase of Scandinavian animal art during the second half of the 11th century and in the early 12th century.The article urnesstil in Nationalencyklopedin (1996).] The preceding phases of Scandinavia s Viking Age animal… … Wikipedia
Oseberg style — Oseberg ship head post The Oseberg style is a Viking Era animal ornamentation in Norse art. [1] Contents … Wikipedia
Borre style — The Borre style is a Scandinavian animal style which is named after a boat grave in Borre, Norway.The article borrestil in Nationalencyklopedin (1990).] The Borre style succeeded the Oseberg style and was partly contemporaneous with the Jelling… … Wikipedia
Mammen style — Timeline for the Norse animal styles. The Mammen style is a phase of Scandinavian animal art during the late 10th century and the early 11th century.[1] The style is named after finds from a chamber tomb in Mammen on Jutland … Wikipedia
Jelling style — The Jelling style is a phase of Scandinavian animal art during the 10th century.The article jellingestil in Nationalencyklopedin (1993).] The style is characterized by markedly stilized and often band shaped bodies of animals. It was originally… … Wikipedia
Greece Runestones — The Greece Runestones comprise around 30 runestones containing information related to voyages made by Scandinavians to Greece , which refers to the Byzantine Empire (ON.: Grikkland , Grikk(i)aR ), during the Viking Age and until the early 12th… … Wikipedia
Viking runestones — Runestones that mention expeditions outside of Scandinavia Viking runestones England runestones Hakon Jarl runestones Varangian runestones Baltic area runestones Greece runestones Italy runestones Ingvar runestones … Wikipedia
Runestone styles — The term runestone style in the singular may refer to the Urnes style. The runestone styles varied during the Viking Age. The early runestones were simple in design, but towards the end of the runestone era they became increasingly complex and… … Wikipedia