ASCAMM Foundation is a Technology Center located near Barcelona, at the Vallès Technology Park [ [ Parc Tecnològic del Vallès] ] . ASCAMM is an active agent within the Spanish research and development to innovation value chain, it's objective is to increase the competitiveness of companies in a wide range of industry-based sectors.The main activities of this non-profit organization are:
*Research and development projects
*Product and process advanced engineering
*Specialized technical and professional training
*Technology transfer
*International co-operation initiativesThe organization currently employs 100 people, mainly engineering graduates and doctors. It was founded in 1987 for research purposes. In 2007, Ascamm had a turnover of 7.3 Million euros. More than 60% of income is from direct innovation services to Small and medium enterprises. The facilities of the technology centre have 6000 m² of built space with top-level laboratories and equipment: injection molding machines, machines for microprocessing, pressure die casting machines, materials laboratory, laser sintering and incremental sheet forming stations, comprehensive CAD/CAM/CAE workstations, complete metalworking workshops and mechatronics.
In the ASCAMM sphere, 3 technology-based spin-off companies have been created: Neosurgery and Hexascreen, oriented to biomedical engineering applications, and Plastiasite, related to knowledge engineering innovative applications.ASCAMM participates actively as RTD performer in the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union. Likewise, the Center also participates in local (Catalan [ [ CIDEM] ] and Spanish [ [ Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism] ] ) public funding initiatives.

Main R&D areas

ASCAMM aims at opening new R&D lines to fit industry necessities and opportunities. The center's efforts focus in the generation of new or improved technologies and their transfer into practical benefits. During the past 20 years ASCAMM has carried stable activity in the following fields:
*Materials: polymers, compounds, shape memory alloys, smart materials...
*Processes: rapid manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, micro manufacturing, automation, multimaterial and micro-moulding, laser sintering and milling,
*Knowledge: knowledge engineering, collaborative working environments, non-technological innovation approaches, expert systems for industrial processes, knowledge-based engineering, advanced training programmes...


*ASCAMM was the first organization to obtain the label of "Technology Center" from the Department of Labour and Industry of the Generalitat de Catalunya [ [ CIDEM's Technology Centres Network] ] .
*ASCAMM is a CIT (Centre of Innovation and Technology) and an OTRI [ [ Spanish Offices for Technology Transfer] ] (Office for the Transfer of Research Results) recognized by the MICINN (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) [] .

Highlighted memberships

*OPTI Foundation (Monitoring Centre for Industrial Technology Foresight): founder-member and leading centre in industrial design and production technologies. [ [ OPTI Board of Trustees] ]
*Founder-member of FEDIT (Spanish Federation of Innovation and Technology Entities). [ [ FEDIT Membership] ]
*Founder-member of ACT (Association for Technological Cooperation). [ [ ACT Membership] ]
*ASERM (Spanish Rapid Manufacturing Association). [ [ ASERM Membership] ]


External Links

* [ Ascamm homepage]
* [ Plastia homepage]
* [ Hexascreen homepage]
* [ Neos Surgery homepage]

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