Paulius Kliševičius

Paulius Kliševičius

Paulius Kliševičius (Samogitian: "Paulios Klėševėčios", born in 1983 in Klaipėda) also known as Simonas Magas is a Lithuanian poet and a public activist.

Most of his poetry is written in Lithuanian language, but he is using a lot of international phrases, especially Latin. Now he lives in Klaipėda, Lithuania.

Popular poems

*1658. Moljero sugrįžimas (1658. The Return of Molliere)
*Pries yourat. Naqteis. Jeimat!
*Il manifesto
*Apie daiktų naudą (About the Benefit of Goods)
*Nuobodžiausias ritmas (The Most Boring Rhythm)
*Pelenų kareivis (The Soldier of Ashes)


Paulius Kliševičius was a 4th place winner at the 2006 youth contest of „Gintaro lašai“ (Amber drops) [] .


* [ Results of 2006 youth contest of „Gintaro lašai“ (Amber drops)]

External links

* [ Poetry of Paulus Kliševičius in the newspaper "Šiaurės Atėnai"]

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