- Oberhausen gasometer
Oberhausen Gasometer is an industrial monument in the "new center" upper living (center). It is landmark of the new center, the city upper living and the Ruhr district. It is point of anchor of the route of the industrial culture and the European route of the industrial culture (ERIH).
The gasometer of Gutehoffnungshütte was established in the years 1928 and 1929 as disk gasometer. A disk swam, by additional concrete weights weighted, on the gas and could up and glide in such a way depending upon existing mass of gas the walls of the gasometers along as well as provide for continuous gas pressure. With a storage volume of 350.000 m³ it was the largest gas tank of Europe and the second largest of the world. 117 meters the high and 67 meters through-measuring cylindrical building supplied the steel plant property hope hut with blast furnace gas. In the Second World War the gasometer was heavily damaged with bomb attacks and shut down 1945. With repair work 1946 it started to burn and had to be diminished up to the foundation. The gasometer was thereafter from 1949 to 1988 in enterprise. At the beginning of the 1990er years the gasometer was converted in the context of the IBA Em park for 16 million D-mark. Since 1994 it is a meeting area for exhibitions, concerts, stage performances and much more besides, so also for the twice annually taking place WWCL Finals. The disk was fixed on a height of approximately four and one-half meters at the hydraulic cylinder barrel as well as by zwischenstuetzen and serves as exhibition surface. In addition four fliers were established, to three up to the upper exhibition level on +12.0 meters height as well as fourth with 38 runs up to the roof of the gasometers. Into the stair tower a safety elevator is integrated. With a height of 115 meters and sketch dimensions of 6.0 meters times 8.5 meters is world-wide it one of the largest industrial stairs. Gas COMET earthoh inspection platform is and can to foot or by panorama elevator with vitreous cab within the gas tank be attained, it offers a panorama over the city and the Ruhr district.
External links
* http://www.gasometer.de
* http://www.route-industriekultur.de/primaer/a18/a18.htm
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