Le Charivari

Le Charivari

"Le Charivari" was an illustrated newspaper published in Paris, France from 1832 to 1937.

"Le Charivari" published caricatures, political cartoons and reviews. In 1835 the government banned political caricature, thus Le Charivari began publishing satires of everyday life.

To reduce their financial risk of censorship fines with the satirical anti-monarchist illustrated newspaper "La Caricature", which had more pages and printed on more expensive paper, caricaturist Charles Philipon and his brother-in-law Gabriel Aubert started "Le Charivari" which contained humorous, but not as political, content. Ownership of the paper changed often due to censorship, and related taxes and fines.

"Le Charivari" published daily from 1832 to 1936, and then weekly until 1937.

In 1841 English engraver, Ebenezer Landells, together with Henry Mayhew, used "Le Charivari" as the model for their "Punch" magazine subtitled "The London Charivari".

Contributing artists

Contributing with lithographs, woodcuts, and (after 1870) with zincographies (gillotage) were:
*Honoré Daumier
*Paul Gavarni
*André Gill
*Grandville (Jean Ignace Isidore Gérard)
*Henri Monnier
*C. J. Traviès
*Achille Devéria
*Cham (Amédée de Noé)
*Gustave Doré

Text came from, among others,
*L. Desnoyers
*Louis Leroy


External links

* [http://web.archive.org/web/20060615085336/http://masterworksfineart.com/inventory/daumier.htm Honoré Daumier exhibition] MASTERWORKS FINE ART INC, refers to Charivari, copy archived 2006-06-15

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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