- Kalanikukuma
Kalanikukuma was the 13th
Alii Aimoku of Kauai . He ruled as titular King or chief ofKauai . He was born around1555 .Kalanikukuma was son of
Kahakumakapaweo , 12th Alii Aimoku of Kauai and Kahakukuka'ena. He followed his fatherKahakumakapaweo as King of Kauai. No legend attaches to his name.Kalanikukuma married Kapoleikauila and begot
Kahakumakalina . It was universally conceded that Kapoleikauila, the wife of Kalanikukuma, was the lineal descendant ofHaulanuiaiakea of the originalMaweke -Kumuhonua dynasty of Oahu. It probably was so, for it is undeniable that that union increased immensely thekapu andaristocratic rank of Kalanikukuma's two sons,Kahakumakalina andIlihewalani , sometimes Ilihiwalani or on some genealogies Ilimealani.References
*Samuel M. Kamakau, Ruling Chiefs of Hawaii, Revised Edition, (Honolulu: Kamehameha Schools Press, 1992).
* Abraham Fornander, An Account of the Polynesian Race: Its Origin and Migrations, Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1969.External links
* [http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~barbpretz/ps01/ps01_242.html Rootsweb]
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