Le Cellier

Le Cellier

French commune
name= Le Cellier

caption= The Saint-Méen chapel.

image_flag_size =
image_coat_of_arms= Blason ville fr Le Cellier (Loire-Atlantique).svg
image_coat_of_arms_size = 115px


city_motto =

x = 74
y = 110
time zone = CET (GMT +1)
lat_long = coord|47|19|13|N|01|20|43|W|type:city
region= Pays de la Loire
departement= Loire-Atlantique (44)
mayor= Philippe des Jamonières
party =
mandat = since 2001
area= 35,99
population= 3,448
density= 95
date-density= 1999
UU-pop =
AU-pop =
intercom =
insee = 44028
cp = 44850
diallingcode = 0240

Le Cellier is a town and commune in the Loire-Atlantique "département" of north-western France.


Monuments and Sites of Interest

The commune is on the north bank of the Loire River; this spot offers magnificent views and urged famous people to live here.

The "Château de Clermont", built between 1643 and 1649 by the Chenu, an old french family, has been occupated after by close people from Guy de Maupassant. At the end of his life, the actor Louis de Funès came to live in the castle, property of his wife, descendant of the Maupassant.

The banks of the Loire have seen also the poet René-Guy Cadou or the paintor William Turner.

The "Folies-Siffait" are strange rests of architecture from the 19th century. These hanging gardens overlooks the Loire.

ee also

*Communes of the Loire-Atlantique department

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