- Gnome King Kyrië
Gnome King Kyrië (Dutch: Kabouterkoning Kyrië) is, according to local folklore, the leader of the legendary
gnome s (kabouter s) which lived in the Campine region of the province of North Brabant, theNetherlands . These gnomes had their base in the village ofHoogeloon . From Hoogeloon the gnomes often made journeys in the neighbourhood. According to tradition the Gnome King Kyrië lived on the Kerkakkers in the Kabouterberg (Gnome Mountain), atumulus located in the heathland of Hoogeloon.The gnomes of the Campine were helpful creatures who help mostly the farmers and the households in the neighborhood. The came by night and did not want to be seen by people. If people did see them, they were punished by the gnomes. One story tells of an inquisitive farmer who spied on the gnomes and later became blind in one eye.
The death of Kyrië
One day, Gnome King Kyrië was shot by a hunter in the heathlands of
Riethoven . He had just enough strength to reach the Duivelsberg (Devil's Mountain) where the gnomes lived. The hunter looked for what he shot at when he heard the shocked gnomes say: "Kyrië is dead". The sad message that their king had died spread quickly among all gnome settlements in the region. Gnome King Kyrië was buried somewhere in Hoogeloon. After the death of their king, all the gnomes left the area to an unknown destination. Nobody has ever since heard or seen these Campine gnomes.Statue
In Hoogeloon, a village pump with a statue of Gnome King Kyrië on it was erected on the Valensplein in
1985 . It is designed by Gubbels. On9 April 2001 the pump and statue were moved to another place on the same square after a reconstruction of the Valensplein. At the same time a special 'Koning Kyrië Kruidenbitter', abitters , was introduced.
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