CAPMAS stands for the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, the official statistical agency in Egypt that collects, processes, analyzes, and disseminates all statistical data and the Census.

CAPMAS was established by a Presidential Decree 2915 in 1964. It is the official provider of data, statistics, and reports. Other sources provide data including Ministries, agencies, authorities, universities, research and information centers, and international organizations.

CAPMAS functions support state planning, decision making policy assessing.It employs highly trained human resources with outstanding technical expertise, and currently with modern computer equipment.

In the Arab region, CAPMAS is considered among the most advanced statistical agency.

Heads of the Agency have always come from the Army Staff including:
* Major General (Staff) Awad Mukhtar Halodeh 1981-1991
* Major General (Staff) Farouk Said Abdel Azim 1991-1995
* Major General (Staff) Mustafa Alaoui 1995 - 2005
* Major General (Staff) Abu Bakr Al-Guindi 2005 -

CAPMAS recently came under criticism for both acting as information regulator and information provider.

Among the wide range of legislative reforms being implemented by the Government of Egypt, a "Freedom of Information Act" is currently under preparation for consideration by the People's Parliament. It is hoped that the Act will ensure high level of transparency and disclosure in line with international best practices.

External links

* [ CAPMAS webpage]

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