- Grey Seer
The Grey Seers are
Skaven prophets that make up areligious order dedicated to theHorned Rat in the fantasy tabletop gameWarhammer .Description of the Grey Seers
The Grey Seers hold a very important position in the Skaven
hierarchy . They rank just below the Council, and are above the Warlords of the Warlord clans. Grey Seers often have white or gray coloredfur . They interpret the Horned Rat's will and desires to the rest of the Skaven. They advise and coerce the Warlordclan s, in accordance to their own interpretations, and act as intermediates to relay decrees of the Council to the Skaven clans. Their leader, theSeerlord , sits on theCouncil of Thirteen , as one of the most powerfulLords of Decay . Some Skaven jealously say that the Seerlord's seat on the Council compromises the intended role of the Grey Seers. The Seers preach of the time when theGreat Ascendancy will occur, in which the whole Skaven race will rise as one, and conquer the Upper World, overwhelming the races above. The Grey Seers are also very powerful, as anyone who argues against them would be denounced asheretics and be ultimately destroyed by the rest of the clans, who would wage aholy war against that clan. This, of course, does not stop the resentment against them by many important Skavens, and it is a very foolish Grey Seer who does not watch his back when separated from his brethren.Jobs of the Grey Seers
The Grey Seers, as stated, interpret the will of the Horned Rat as his living prophets. However, they are also seen in battle as
generals , and are the most proficient sorcerers of the Skaven. They also relay messages from the council to the clans.Grey Seer magic
The Grey Seers are the most proficient
magic -users of the Skaven race. The only other known magic users on the Skaven army list in the Skaven race areWarlock Engineers . Unlike Warlock Engineers, however, Grey Seers utilize the winds of magic, notmachines , to use magic, as they are natural born wizards, unlike the Warlocks. Their spells are Skitterleap (which transport the caster or aman -sized character anywhere on the battlefield), Warp Lightning (A magicmissile that summons green warp lightning. This lightning is more devastating than regular lightning, and can kill even the strongest creatures.), Vermintide (a swarm of rats are summoned and travel in one direction, eating and hurting anything in its path, friend or foe.), Pestilent Breath (A poisonous attack in which the wizard's breath turns venomous and huge green cloud comes out of hismouth , killing or hurting most creatures that inhale it), Death Frenzy (a dark cloud appears over the chosen squadron, and as they inhale its fumes, they become unnaturally murderous and violent, attacking savagely any enemy unit within the proximities, for better or worse), and Plague Spell, (where a mini-plague is cast and affects the whole squadron, sometimes friendly units if they are in combat. Only the tough creatures can survive or emerge unscathed. This mini plague, like a regular one, can spread to the enemy, or with bad luck, to nearby friendly units). Grey Seers can use various arcane items to improve their magic. These are Warpstorm Scrolls, Warp Scroll, Storm Daemons, Eyes of the Horned Rat, and Warpstone tokens. The rules for the Grey Seers' magic and items can be found in the "Warhammer Armies: Skaven book".Grey Seers in combat
The Grey Seers are always the generals of the Skaven
army , unless anotherhero orlord is present and wrests the honor from theirpaws . They are the most common magic users for the Skaven, and are very expensive if you want to bring one into your army. The Seers are sometimes seen riding on aScreaming Bell , an engine of horror and that brings certain doom to an opposing army. Its bell has high magic capabilities also. They, like most Skaven leaders, have a relatively low leadership (6).Famous Grey Seers
*Skilk Other Skaven magic users
Warlock Engineer :Clan Skyre
*Eshin Sorcerer :Clan Eshin
*Warlock Master :Clan Skyre
*Festering Chantor :Clan Pestilens
*Harbinger of Mutation :Clan Moulder References
* Warhammer Armies: SKAVEN
ISBN : 1-84154-185-0
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.