Bink Video

Bink Video

Infobox file format
name = Bink
icon =
extension = .bik
mime =
owner = RAD Game Tools
type code = Bink
genre = Video file
container for = Bink video
contained by =
extended from =
extended to =

Bink is a proprietary video file format (extension .bik) developed by RAD Game Tools and used primarily in computer games. It has been used in many games for Mac OS, Windows, Xbox 360, Xbox, GameCube, Wii, Playstation 3, PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, and Sony PSP [ RAD Game Tools' Bink section] ] . The format includes its own video and audio codecs, supporting resolutions from 320×240 all the way up to high definition (HD) video. It is bundled as part of the RAD Video Tools along with RAD Game Tools' previous video codec, Smacker video. It is a hybrid block-transform and wavelet codec capable of using 16 different encoding techniques allowing it to compress any type of video. The codec places emphasis on lower decoding requirements over other video codecs with specific optimizations for the different computer game consoles it supports.

ee also

*Smacker video

External links

* [ RAD Game Tools' Site about Bink]
* [ Games using Bink Video]


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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