Ibn Amira

Ibn Amira

Ibn Amira (1186 Alzira in the province of Valencia- 1251/1259) was a historian, poet, and scholar of law from al-Andalus during the reign of the Almohad dynasty. [Margarita Lachica, "Poetas Arabes del Pais Valenciano", p. 32 (in Spanish) [http://rua.ua.es/dspace/bitstream/10045/6940/1/HM_09_02.pdf] (retrieved September 5, 2008)] Ibn Amira was kadi of Mallorca and worked for the Almohad sultan in Valencia and Sevilla and moved to Morocco in 1239/40 (after the fall of Valencia in 1238) and continued to work for the sultan there.

The theme of paradise lost (al-firdaws al-mafqud) was expressed by the Valencian exile in his 'Letter to a Friend'. This friend was the poet Ibn al-Abbar.: "An ocean of sadness rages inside us, Our hearts, desperate, burn with eternal flames. The city was so beautiful with its gardens and rivers, The nights were imbued with the sweet fragrance of narcissus." [Manuel Sánchez: Plany andalusí per la pèrdua de València. "L’Avenç" (1979). ]

Ibn Amira is also the author of a manuscript about the history of Mallorca, "Tarij Mayurqa". The manuscript (written between 1203 and 1232) is translated into Spanish by the historian Guillem Rosselló Bordoy.


*Manuel Boix and Josep Palàcios: "Ali b. Atiyya Ibn al-Zaqqaq, Ahmad b. Abd Allah Ibn Amira, Ibrahim b. Abi l-Fath Ibn Hafaya" Alcira, Valencia, Bromera, 1988. ISBN 84-7660-021-6

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