Harry D. Thiers

Harry D. Thiers

Harry Delbert Thiers, born January 22nd 1919 in Fort McKavett, Texas, died August 8th 2000 in Ohio, was an American mycologist who studied and named a great many fungi of native to North America, particularly California. Thiers taught mycology at San Francisco State University for many years, and a number of notable mycologists active as of the 2000s began as his students. He comprehensively revised and expanded on the North American collection of boletes and named many new species. [cite journal |author=Thiers BM, Halling RE |year=2003|title=Harry D. Thiers, 1919–2000 |journal=Mycologia |volume=95 |issue=6 |pages=1271–75 |id= |url=http://www.mycologia.org/cgi/reprint/95/6/1271.pdf?ck=nck|format=PDF |accessdate= 2008-02-12]

Species authored include:
*"Russula xanthoporphyrea"
*"Boletus pulcherrimus"


External links

[http://www.mssf.org/mnews/0009mn_ng.pdf "MSSF mourns Harry Thiers"] by Mike Boom, "Mycena News" 50(9):1,7, September 2000.

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