- Ticket to Work
article issues
tone=August 2008
unreferenced=August 2008Ticket to Work is a
United States employment program created by the 1999 Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act. Initial program regulations were published in December 2001.Goals
To ensure that
Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities receive the services needed to obtain and maintain gainful employment. The two primary goals of the Ticket to Work Program are:
* To expand the inventory of service providers who are available to assist Ticket Holders, i.e., those individuals eligible for Social Security benefits,Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) orSupplemental Security Income (SSI), based on disability. This expansion is achieved through the enlistment of these service providers as Employment Networks (EN). An EN is a service provider that has been authorized by the Social Security Administration to accept Ticket assignments.
* To offer people with disabilities greater choice in service providers and access to more employment options. Ultimately, this includes making it easier for people with disabilities, who receive benefits from Social Security, to reach Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA). SGA refers to a level of earned income that allows a beneficiary to support themselves and their families without receiving SSI or SSDI benefits.An evolving program
When the Ticket Program was being created, Congress envisioned that initial implementation of this new approach to service delivery would generate valuable lessons that SSA could use to refine and improve the program. Based on the lessons learned, SSA issued Notices of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) in September 2005 and August 2007 that proposed changes to the Ticket regulations designed to improve the Employment Network payment process and provide greater financial incentives and flexibility. The goal is to make the Ticket Program more attractive to providers and thereby encourage them to become Employment Networks (ENs). The final Ticket regulations were published and will go into effect on July 21, 2008 ( [http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2008/E8-10879.htm Final Ticket Regulations] ). The re-launch of the Ticket to Work Program will include undertaking a major recruitment to increase the number of Employment Networks participating in the program and an outreach effort to encourage increasing numbers of beneficiaries to participate in the program.
Overview of the Ticket to Work program design
Any entity can apply to become an Employment Network including One-Stops, Independent Living Centers,
United Cerebral Palsy ,Arc of the United States ,Easter Seals (U.S.) , Mental Health organizations,Goodwill Industries International , Faith Based organizations, Colleges and Universities, High School and Youth Transition organizations, employment agencies, State Independent Living Councils, employers, and other service providers.
* Application assistance is provided by CESSI, SSA’s Program Manager for Recruitment and Outreach. Contact: 1-877-743-8237 (v/tty)
* The application is processed and approved by SSA.
* Once approved as an EN, Maximus, SSA’s Program Manager for Operations, provides ongoing program support.ENs receive information on Ticket Holders in their area and Ticket Holders receive information on ENs available to serve them. The Ticket Holder and the EN agree to work together and develop an Individual Work Plan (IWP) that outlines the mutual commitment they are making to each other.
* Many Ticket Holders will wish to meet with a Community Work Incentive Coordinator(CWIC) through the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Program prior to making any agreements. Find the WIPA nearest you by visiting [https://secure.ssa.gov/apps10/oesp/providers.nsf/bystate Service Provider Directory] .The IWP is approved by Maximus.
* The EN provides the agreed upon return to work services.
* The Ticket Holder performs the agreed upon actions to return to work.
* The Ticket holder is provided with protection from Social Security’s continuing disability reviews.The Ticket Holder and EN stay in contact with each other and share wage information (via paystubs or monthly contacts) or the EN attains Unemployment Insurance data.Once the Ticket Holder is working at a level that justifies a payment to the EN, the EN applies for payment from Maximus.
* Payments are direct deposited into the EN’s account.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.