Mr. Justice

Mr. Justice
Mr. Justice
Comic image missing.svg
Publication information
Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Marvel: The Lost Generation #12
Created by Roger Stern and John Byrne
In-story information
Alter ego Timothy Carney
Team affiliations First Line
Notable aliases Kid Justice
Abilities Unknown
- Equipped with a gun, and hovercraft

Mr. Justice (Timothy Carney) is a fictional character, a superhero in Marvel Comics' shared universe, the Marvel Universe, and a member of the superhero team, called the First Line. He was created by Roger Stern and John Byrne, and had his first appearance in Marvel: The Lost Generation #12. He was the younger brother of Yankee Clipper.


Mr. Justice was, in his teenage years, recruited into the First Line along with Blackjack, Flatiron, Knight Templar, Dr. Mime, Major Mercury, Morph, Oxbow, Vulcan, Reflex, Rapunzel, Pixie, Firefall, Eternal Brain, Positron, Katyusha, Walkabout, Frank and Yeti. He was at this time known as Kid Justice. The founding members of the First Line was Black Fox, Effigy, Nightingale, Liberty Girl and Yankee Clipper.

He was highly influenced by his brother, during their partnership, and he had at least one time, when faced with a difficulty, asked himself "what would Clipper do?" He had several times been saved by Nightingale and Yankee Clipper. He has also been cited of fellow teammates as the living legacy of Yankee Clipper after Clipper's disappearing in Marvel: The Lost Generation #4.


Mr. Justice seemingly died in Marvel: The Lost Generation #12, along with most of the First Line group members while battling a Skrull fleetship.
The reason why the team and Mr. Justice were killed is not revealed.

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