Reinhold Ebertin

Reinhold Ebertin

Dr. Reinhold Ebertin (February 16, 1901 - March 14, 1988) was a German physician and astrologer.

Life and Work

Ebertin utilized the research on astrological midpoints of Hamburg School surveyor and astrologer Alfred Witte first published in 1928 in Witte's "Regelwerk für Planetenbilder." Shortly after Witte's death in 1941, Ebertin used Witte's extensive research on astrological midpoints, and a 4th-harmonic "90° dial" developed by the Hamburg School of Astrology as the foundations of his School of CosmobiologyFact|date=July 2007. Ebertin continued to promote astrological research, including medical applications of astrology while non-compliant Hamburg School astrologers were interned by the Third Reich, their books and publications banned.Fact|date=July 2007

Reinhold Ebertin's main reference text on Cosmobiology entitled "The Combination of Stellar Influences", sometimes referred to as the 'CSI' or the 'COSI', was inspired by Alfred Witte's "Rulebook of Planetary Pictures" [ [Ebertin 1972, p.27 "(RPP) appeared to be revolutionary and provoked an unusual and mostly adverse criticism. The author has used that work extensively in his research..." followed by critical opinions later challenged by other students of Witte. Ebertin then continues on p.28 "Some of Witte's ideas may yet to prove useful, at some future time".] ] . Ebertin's book was first published in 1940 and the most recent updates in the English translation were added in 1972. Ebertin's greatest and most truly original contribution was his research in the field of medical astrology and his addition of more psychological correlations [ [(see earlier footnote where Ebertin acknowledged substantial reliance on Witte's RPP as a source: Ebertin 1972, pp.27-28. Ebertin then re-formatted and re-worded Witte's material -- much of the material added to the COSI/CSI which differed from Witte's RPP referred to specifics and details of medical astrology. Ebertin's most fully original written work manifest as "Astrological Healing" (see bibliography)] ] . Ebertin worked with the "Anatomical Correspondences of the Zodiac Degrees" as presented in the "Organuhr der anatomischen Entsprechungen" of Fritz Brandau. [Ebertin refers to Brandau's text in Ebertin 1989, pp.159-160.]

Due to Ebertin's work, he is sometimes considered the founder of modern Cosmobiology as the term is generally used today (working largely with the midpoint/dial paradigms of Witte), although the term 'Kosmobiologie' had been previously used by Dr Friedrich Feerhow and Swiss statistician Karl Krafft in a more general sense "to designate that branch of astrology working on scientific foundations and keyed to the natural sciences" [Ebertin 1972, p.11] .


Ebertin's mother, Elsbeth Ebertin, was also an astrologer. His son, Dr. Baldur Ebertin, is "a psychologist, philosopher, esoteric, alternative healer, reincarnation-therapist, psychoanalyst, astrologer, and author". [ [ The Ebertin Family ] ]

List of published works

* "The Combination of Stellar Influences"
* "Cosmic Marriage"
* "Transits: What Days Favor You?"
* "Rapid & Reliable Analysis"
* "Fixed Stars & Their Interpretation"
* "Auxiliary Tables for the Calculation of the Stellar Positions"
*an English translation of his book "Astrological Healing" was published in 1989


* Ebertin, Reinhold: Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin-Verlag, Aalen, 1972. ISBN 086690087X
* Ebertin, Reinhold: Astrological Healing, Samuel Weiser Books, York Beach ME, 1989. ISBN 0877287112
* Ebertin, Reinhold: Directions: Co-Determinants of Fate, translated by Linda Kratzsch, AFA, Tempe, AZ, 1976. ISBN 086690090X
* Ebertin, Reinhold: Applied Cosmobiology, translated by Heidi Langram, D.F.Astrol.S. and Jim ten Hove, AFA, 1972. ISBN 0866900861
* Ebertin, Reinhold: Transits: Forecasting using the 45 degree Graphic Ephemeris, translated by Linda Kratzsch, Ebertin-Verlag, Aalen, 1973. ISBN 0882311220
* Witte, Alfred: Regelwerk für Planetenbilder, Ludwig Rudolph Verlag, Hamburg, 1928, 1974. ISBN 3920807006
* Witte, Alfred: Der Mensch, Ludwig Rudolph Verlag, Hamburg, 1975. ISBN 3920807111

External links

* [ Astrology Books by Reinhold Ebertin]
* [ The Ebertin Family]
* [ Baldur Ebertin's homepage]

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