Hagen (crater)

Hagen (crater)

lunar crater data
diameter=55 km
eponym=Johann G. Hagen

Hagen is a lunar crater on the far side of the Moon. It lies to the north of the huge Planck walled-plain, and south-southwest of Pauli crater.

This a very eroded crater with an outer rim that has been worn and broken in several places by overlapping craters. 'Hagan J' is attached to what remains of the southeastern rim, and 'Hagan S' crosses the rim to the west. On the interior floor, 'Hagan C' lies just to the southeast of the mid-point. There are small craterlets along the inner edge to the south and west. The floor is pock-marked by tiny craterlets, but is otherwise relatively featureless.

atellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater mid-point that is closest to Hagen crater.


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