- United People's Movement
The United People's Movement is a
political party inSaint Vincent and the Grenadines without parliamentary representation.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
The United People's Movement is a
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
United People’s Movement — United People s Movement Parteivorsitzender Jan van Wyk … Deutsch Wikipedia
United People's Movement (Colombia) — The United People s Movement ( Movimiento Popular Unido ) is a liberal political party in Colombia. At the last legislative elections, 10 march 2002 , the party won as one of the many small parties parliamentary representation. In the… … Wikipedia
United National People's Movement — (in Nepalese: Samyukta Rashtriya Janaandolan ) was a coalition of Communist Party of Nepal (Mashal), Communist Party of Nepal (Masal), Nepal Marxist Leninist Party, Proletarian Labour Organisation, Nepal Communist League and the Nand Kumar Prasai … Wikipedia
United People (Costa Rica) — United People ( Pueblo Unido ) is a leftist political alliance, registered as a political party, in Costa Rica, founded ahead of the 1978 elections by Popular Vanguard Party (PVP), Costa Rican Socialist Party (PSC) and the Revolutionary Movement… … Wikipedia
People's Movement against the EU — The People s Movement against the EU ( da. Folkebevægelsen mod EU) is an anti European Union political association in Denmark. Unlike some other euro sceptic organisations, their primary objective is to withdraw the country from EU and rejoin… … Wikipedia
People's Movement (New Zealand) — The People s Movement was a political party in New Zealand. It was active in the late 1930s and early 1940s, and was individualist in outlook. It campaigned for a reduction in the size of government, a reform of the civil service, a limit on the… … Wikipedia
United People Alliance — The United People Alliance (Portuguese: Aliança Povo Unido or APU), was an electoral and political coalition between the Portuguese Communist Party or PCP and the Portuguese Democratic Movement or MDP. After 1983 the Ecologist Party also… … Wikipedia
Democratic People's Movement — Issue 140 (2/2007) of Patria Nueva mentioning Jaime Hurtado, the MPD s assassinated Presidential candidate The Democratic People s Movement (Spanish: Movimiento Popular Democrático, MPD) is the electoral wing of the Marxist Leninist Communist… … Wikipedia
1990 People's Movement — The 1990 People s Movement ( ne. Jana Andolan) was a multiparty movement in Nepal that brought an end to absolute monarchy and the beginning of constitutional democracy. It also eliminated the Panchayat system. [… … Wikipedia
Barbuda People's Movement — The Barbuda People s Movement is a political party in Barbuda, part of Antigua and Barbuda. BPM is allied to the United Progressive Party.At the last elections, 23 March 2004, the party won contested the sole seat allotted to Barbuda (in total… … Wikipedia