Heinrich Friedrich Theodor Kohlrausch

Heinrich Friedrich Theodor Kohlrausch

Heinrich Friedrich Theodor Kohlrausch (November 5, 1780 - January 30, 1867) was a German educator and historian who was born in Landolfshausen. He was the father of physicist Rudolf Kohlrausch (1809-1858) and surgeon Otto Kohlrausch (1811-1854). He was a student at the University of Göttingen, and was later a teacher in Barmen (1810), Dusseldorf (1814) and Münster (1818).

In 1830 he was appointed "Oberschulrat" (Director of Schools) by the Hanoverian government. In this role he introduced several reforms and standards to the curriculum, and he stressed the importance of subjects such as natural sciences, history and gymnastics. Kohlrausch also published several textbooks, including the 1816 "Die deutsche Geschichte für Schule und Haus" (The German History for School and Home), which was published in fifteen editions.


* [http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.sfb-frueheneuzeit.uni-muenchen.de/projekte/zusatz/HistorischeTabellenwerke/Kohlrausch.html&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=8&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3DKohlrausch%2B1780-1867%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG Historische Tabellenwerke (Translated from German)]
* "Parts of this article are based on a translation of an article from the German Wikipedia."

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