

Abhasvara (Sanskrit) (from a near to, towards + the verbal root bhas to shine upon, illuminate). In Buddhism, it is the name of a heaven.

In Hindu mythology , Abhaswaras is a class of deities. They are sixty-four in number and their nature is not well known. It is described that they are "demigods representing a certain cycle of manifestation and the active phase of the evolutionary process set in motion by an act of will of Brahman, who remains transcendent while emanating forth the world"Fact|date=February 2008

While Dawson in his Hindu Encyclopaedia does not offer more information, it is known that they are one of the nine Gana deities:

#Viswas or Viswe-devas

These inferior deities are attendant upon Siva, and under the command of Ganesa. They dwell on Gana-parvata, i.e., Kailasa.

However, Guru Granth Sahib gives the following information:

"The Ganas, Gandharvas, Siddhas and saints [...] are engaged in uttering the infinite Praises of the Unapproachable and Unfathomabable'" [http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IndianCivilization/msearch?query=abhisvara&submit=Search&charset=UTF-8IndianCivilization : Search Results : abhisvarad. (Devgandhari M. 5, p. 535) ]

The Ganas and Gandharvas were emancipated through the remembrance of the Name of the Lord..... [(Malar M. 3, p. 1259)]

Ganas or Gana-Devatas are the troops of deities. Nine classes of Ganas are Adityas, Viswe-devas, Vasus, Tushitas, Abhaswaras, Anilas, Maharajikas, Sadhyas and Rudras. These are inferior deities and are attendant upon god Shiva. The Lord of these Ganas is Ganesha (or Gana-pati), who, according to one legend, sprang from the scurf of the body of Parvati; and who is the god of wisdom and remover of obstacles. [1. Kohli, Surindar SINGH (ed), Dictionary of Mythological References in GURU GRANTH Sahib, 1993"] [ [http://www.thesikhencyclopedia.com/content/view/1205 GANA | Philosophy, Spirituality and Ethics ] ]


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